Chapter 6

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We sat silent for what felt like ages. Seems like neither of us knew how to start this conversation. I finally decided to start myself.

"I want to start by telling you a bit about my life. So, you can understand what position I'm in."

Blake's face seemed to turn into a scowl. I can't even begin to try to read his face.

"Yes, I'm married. But I've never really been happy in my marriage. I love my kid to the end of the world and would kill for my child. My husband became abusive after we got married. Well, more like after we had our kid. He was a good husband before, treated me well, took me on dates and all that fun stuff. Right after our marriage things started to take a turn. He was more short tempered. He didn't hurt me though. We decided to try and have a kid, hoping it would fix the marriage. It didn't. Once we had the kid and he started becoming physical I wanted out, but he threatened to keep the kid from me. I didn't have a job anymore, so he told me to be a stay-at-home mom to take care of the kid. So, he knew if I left he could get full custody of the kid. He used that against me, knowing how much I loved my child."

I could see Blakes hands start to clench and turn white as I talked, and his eyes were closed. I knew he didn't like this, but I had to tell him.

I took a deep shaky breath and continued.

"We have only been married for about 3 years now, and my kid is now two years old. About 3 or 4 months after my kid was born and the abuse started to get physical, I stopped wanting to have sex with my husband. That really pissed him off... about that time he started to force himself onto me. Told me it wasn't rape because he was my husband, and he could do what he wanted with my body. Fast forward to a couple months ago he found out I was trying to find a way out of the marriage. That's when he decided it would be a good idea to give me another child and told me we would start trying for a second baby. I don't even know why he wanted a second child when he never even looks at our son now."

I took another breath and looked at Blake, his eyes were locked on me. Thinking long and hard about everything I was saying.

"Blake, I want to join your pack, but I need you guys to help me get my son back. I can't live without him."

"Okay." He said curtly.

"Okay?" I questioned him.

"I will help you get your son; I will help you in any way I can."

I smiled at him and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Why did you want to have sex with me." He blurted out quickly.

I freeze at his words, not even sure why I did either.

"I told myself it was to gain your trust, hoping you would let me go..." speaking almost so silent that I could barely even hear my answer.

"But?" He pushes me to tell the real answer.

"I don't know. Apart of me felt comfortable, almost happy that you took me away. For once I wasn't walking on eggshells, wasn't trying to be the perfect wife."

"You felt comfortable near me, so you had sex with me?"

Scrunching my face, I lifted my head off his shoulder to look at him.

"You tell me, you say I'm your mate, you very obviously wanted to have sex with me from the day you kidnapped me. Why is that?"

"The mate bond, it makes wolves feel the need to claim their mate, the way of doing that is the bite." He gestures towards my neck. "In both human and wolf form, and to bond AKA sex. We will feel those urges till we make it happen. So, from the moment I met you, I wanted to claim you as mine, I held back because I knew you were human and knew you probably didn't know a thing about what I was or what I would be doing if I claimed you the moment I saw you." He says with a matter-of-fact voice.

"So instead of telling me anything or trying to explain what was going on, you kidnapped me, tied me to a wall, and basically gave me the silent treatment, at least till you accidently bit me and got me pregnant." I half-jokingly spoke back to him but also have an air of questioning in my voice.

"I made a lot of mistakes this past 3 weeks... I'll be spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to you... I promise." He locks eyes with mine once again, with sadness and a beg of forgiveness deep within his expression.

"Time for more hard topics." I state while laying back on the couch.

"What's that?" He asks while laying back on the couch with me.

"I'm pregnant. And Mathew told me it could take several weeks before I turn into a werewolf myself, no thanks to you. But he also says he doesn't know if the baby will survive the change with me."

Blakes eyes widen. "Right... Usually there are two options to a werewolf who gets pregnant, usually within a week or two of finding out they will choose a form to stay in during the pregnancy, since the baby cannot survive changing with the mother once it grows past a certain size. A lot of women choose to stay in wolf form since the birth process isn't as painful in wolf form. But in your case, you cannot shift till the werewolf blood takes over enough. We have found that if you wait past 2 weeks the baby doesn't survive. And you are already a week along."

I nod along. "So, I probably will miscarry this baby?"

"Most likely." His voice filled with pain.

Dropping the subject of pregnancy for now, I decide to move onto my next question.

"What will happen now between us?"

"Well, I hope you choose to stay with me and be my mate" almost sounding smug as he spoke.

Feeling a warmth build in my lower stomach as I thought about what being his mate meant. "I think I would like that."

He tried to lean in for a kiss but not wanting to be distracted before getting all my questions answered I interrupted him.

"Wait there wolfy. What is a werewolf pack. How do you guys live so different from the normal society."

He sits back against the couch and thinks for a moment before answering. "Well as you can tell we live in our own city like structure, called a pack. We still go into town regularly for shopping or other errands. We do have our own system for who's in charge though. We have our Alpha, Luna, Beta, Gamma, and the rest of the pack is known as Omegas. Most of the time one is born into the alpha roll from the previous alpha, but the beta and gamma roll is usually chosen by the alpha. The luna is whom ever is the alphas mate."

Listening intently trying to remember all the information. "Are there other packs out there?"

"Of course, probably Hundreds." He nods quickly.

"What rank are you and Mathew?" I say curious.

"Well Mathew will become a Beta soon, And I'm next in line for alpha." He says, like it's no big deal.

I sit up straight quickly. "Your what? The soon to be alpha?

"Yep, my father is current alpha and I'm his only son, once he decides to retire, he will pass the alpha roll to me."

"Doesn't that make me the soon to be Luna? How can I be a Luna to a pack when I'm not even a wolf?"

"Well, yes that would make you the soon to be Luna. And don't worry, we will teach all there is to know."

plopping myself back on the couch so I'm lying on my back instead. I cover my face with my hands groaning. "I'm not ready for any of that." I feel his weight shifting as he begins to move over me, he takes one of my hands away from my face and stairs down at me with his dark chocolate eyes.

"Don't you worry about any of that for now. You take all the time you need." 

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