Chapter 4

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"I can't do it," Magnus complained for the zillionth time that day.

"Yes, you can," Alec said with absolute certainty. After 6 lessons he had improved immensely, at least for someone who had never played Quidditch before.

"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!"

Magnus was very frustrated. From Alec's understanding of his character, Magnus was simply not used to trying hard to achieve something. He had been expecting to master flying after only the first lesson. However, despite the difficulties he was facing, Magnus was nowhere around giving up and Alec was glad for that.

Over the past days he had spent a lot of time with the Slytherin and had taken a liking to him that was about more than just his looks. Magnus was clever and witty, but he was also passionate about the things he liked. From a faraway glance, one might think the wizard as arrogant and indifferent to others not as gifted as him. But Alec knew that none of that were true. Yes, Magnus was aware of his talents but that didn't make him arrogant and he might not show it but he cared about others, especially those he considered his friends.

"Ok," Alec said. "Let's try it one more time, but this time stay close to the ground so that I can have a clear picture of what you're doing and I can correct your mistakes."

"Alright," Magnus agreed and started hovering about a metre from the ground.

"Show me how you turn and move around."

Magnus happily complied. After a few moves, however, he made a sudden turn that caused him to fall off the broomstick and on top of Alec.

"Well, this isn't so bad," Magnus said with a grin. "If I have you to catch me every time I fall, I might play Quidditch more often." He winked at Alec but made no move to get up.

Alec knew he was blushing but didn't care. Having Magnus on top of him was definitely not a bad feeling. It was indeed a nice feeling, one that he could get used to experiencing.

The warmth that Magnus's body emitted made Alec think that certain places of his own body were on fire. With great reluctance, Alec began to move. He had to get up cause otherwise he might find himself in a very embarrassing situation.

"Let's do it one more time," Alec said but then quickly added, "I think that I know what the problem is," when Magnus didn't seem keen on the idea.

"Fine." Magnus was tired. He looked tired and he must have felt tired and yet he was doing as Alec asked, not making a single complaint.

"So, what I noticed is that you are not one with your broomstick," Alec said.

Magnus gave him a confused look and Alec didn't blame him.

"When you turn, you must do it subtly, as you would do if you were running. It helps to think of your broomstick as an extension of your body."

When Magnus didn't seem to have understood, Alec came up with another idea.

"You know what, I'll just show you." Alec went behind Magnus and placed his hands on Magnus's hips.

Magnus was a bit tense but didn't protest.

"Now, slowly turn to the right," Alec said and with his hands guided Magnus to make a turn. This time Magnus didn't fall. "Great! Now do it without me guiding you."

Magnus made another successful turn and flashed a smile that was brighter than the sun. He then proceeded to go higher and faster, succeeding every time.

After coming back and landing, he dropped the broomstick to the ground and wrapped Alec in a tight hug.


"Thank you," Magnus said. He continued hugging Alec but tilted his head so that he could look in his eyes. "Without you, I couldn't have done it. You are an amazing teacher. My favourite to be exact."

The last thing came out as a sort of whisper. Alec's heart was racing at the compliment and he started feeling dizzy, as if he had forgotten to take a breath.

None of them were speaking. They simply kept holding one another, everything they wanted to say, they said through their gazes.

Alec was the one to break the spell. He had to ask now or he might never find the courage to do so.

"Would you like to hang out some time?"

Seriously? What a great way to phrase it, dumbass!

"Isn't that what we've been doing already?" Magnus asked.

"I mean, without the excuse of the lessons." Alec was more nervous than ever.

Magnus smiled softly. "There's a really nice restaurant in Hogsmeade, how about we go there on the weekend, together?"

"That's- That sounds great."

"Great," Magnus said, still smiling.

And then it happened. Magnus brought his face closer to Alec and Alec, not being able to control himself, pressed their lips together. It was soft and sweet and would probably have turned into something more passionate if someone hadn't coughed to grab their attention.

"As much as I'm glad you are finally getting some action, I need your help," Jace said.

"Jace," Alec said in a breathless state. "What are you doing here?"

"Like I said, I need your help with a... thing."

"Is it about Clary?"


Alec sighed. "Fine."

Magnus did not look happy about the situation and Jace must have noticed as he said, "I'll give you two a minute. I'll wait for you by the library."

Alec turned his attention back to Magnus. "I'm sorry. I really don't want to go, but Jace is-"

"Yeah, I know what Jace is," Magnus said, using an angry tone.

"Do you really?" Alec asked.

"I'd be a fool not to have seen it. The way you look at him, hang from every word that comes out of his mouth, it all just proves it. You like him and I don't want to be some sort of replacement. Alexander, I don't want you to chose me just because I am your only option. I want you to chose me for me and nothing else. I want to be the only one you think about, the only one that makes your heart skip a beat."

Magnus sighed and run a hand through his glittery hair. "I'll see you tomorrow," he simply said and left in such a hurry that Alec couldn't stop him.

What am I supposed to do now?  Alec wasn't sure whether he should chase after Magnus or not. He decided to leave him alone for the moment, let him calm down. But he wasn't going to let him go like that. Especially not since the whole thing was just a misunderstanding.

Alec thought about what Magnus had said and was not sure whether the emotion that was suddenly swallowing him up was happiness or something else. Because Magnus wanted him and he was jealous of Jace. And although Alec knew that Magnus had nothing to be jealous of, he couldn't help but feel happy about it. Besides, who wouldn't want a hot wizard to fight for them?

Alec went to find Jace and for the rest of the day helped him find a suitable present for Clary's birthday. And until the next morning, the only person occupying his mind was Magnus. His eyes, his voice and smell and the taste of his kiss.

Frankly, Alec couldn't wait for the duel and whatever the outcome, he was not going to let Magnus get away. Not in a million years.

Author's note: Firstly, sorry this is late... :/ Secondly, a huge thanks to everyone reading this fic and especially to @chickenwhisperer16, without your comments and support I might have given up on this story! There will be one more chapter that will probably be released in about two weeks. I know that is a long time but I will have no internet connection until then... Also, if anyone wants me to, I could add an epilogue with mostly fluff and maybe some smut, nothing too explicit though. Once again thank you for reading this story and may you have a great day!! (^-^)

How to lose at Quidditch, but win at love (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now