Chapter 5

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"You should eat something Magnus," Ragnor said.

"I don't think that'd be a good idea. If I get dizzy and throw up my reputation will be ruined."

"Your reputation would only get bigger."

Magnus sighed. "I really want to do well. And before you say anything, this has nothing to do with wanting to be good at everything. I just want to do well for Alec. Because without him I would never dare play quidditch."

"Yeah. Without those blue eyes and strong arms," Catarina said with a laugh.

"You're just jealous."

Catarina stuck her tongue out in such a silly act that Magnus felt some of the tension leave his body.

"It's time," Ragnor said.

It's now or never.

Magnus went into the Quidditch field and was surprised to see quite a few people on the sides. They were watching, waiting to see the outcome of this.

Magnus swallowed hard, there was a bump in his throat and his stomach felt twisted from anxiety. A thousand times he'd take exams than facing Jace in a Quidditch match.

The duel began.


Alec's heart was beating fast as he watched the two boys. A lot of people had actually showed up to watch the duel. Mostly fans of Jace, he was an exceptional Quidditch player after all.

Normally Alec's gaze would be focused on Jace, as his grace on the field was captivating. This time, however, he couldn't take his eyes off of Magnus, with the glitter in his hair and the surprisingly toned muscles of his lean frame. Really hot...

The score was 3 to 1, and though not surprised that Jace was winning, it was great to see that his Slytherin opponent had managed to score at least once. It made Alec swell with happiness.

"So, you and Magnus, huh?" Izzy asked out of the blue as they were watching the match.

"Yeah, what about it?" Alec asked ready to defend himself.

"It's great to finally see you dating. And he is a powerful wizard with a great sense of style. I really couldn't be prouder. The only question on my mind is what are you going to wear for your first date."

Alec sighed and turned towards his sister. Of course that would be the only thing concerning her, he should have never doubted her.

"I suppose whatever you deem is appropriate," he answered Izzy, in full knowledge that she wouldn't have accepted a different answer.

Before Izzy could say anything else, a loud crashing sound turned their attention back to the duel.

Magnus was on the ground and Jace seemed unconcerned as he scored for the fourth time. For a moment Alec couldn't breathe and then his body got up involunterily, as if he was going to jump over the rails and make sure Magnus was okay. Before he could do so, Magnus rose up and soared into the sky. He grabbed the ball out of Jace's hands and with incredible speed, scored.

Everyone cheered, it was amazing. Magnus was smiling and it took Alec every bit of strength he had not to get up and grab the wizard so that he could kiss him senseless.

The momentary distraction was all it took for Jace to score for the final time and win. However, judging by the crowd cheering "Magnus Bane! Magnus Bane!", the real winner wasn't Jace.

Magnus couldn't believe it. He'd scored twice against Jace freakin' Herondale and the crowd was cheering for him. This required celebration and that in turn required a new attire.

With a flick of his wand and a couple words, Magnus changed from his sporty yet still eccentric outfit, to a glamorous suit in a dark blue colour, that was shining with glitter.

Then he flew close to the audience where Alec was sitting. Magnus had prepared his words but that didn't make him any less nervous as he looked into Alec's eyes.

"As you can see," Magnus said, "I have not won the duel. However, considering the crowd response and my great if not amazing performance, I have one question to ask."

Magnus took a deep breath reading himself for the next part. He could see nothing else but a pair of blue eyes. "Alec Lightwood, would you give me the pleasure of going on a date with me?"

Magnus tore his gaze from the magnetic blue and looked at Alec's expression with a hopeful look on his face.

Alec was clearly embarrassed, his cheeks a rosy pink, but his answer was a loud and unapologetic, "Yes."

The crowd cheered even louder as Magnus leaned in and kissed the Ravenclaw softly on the lips. The two wizards left the scene shortly thereafter to enjoy dinner together and most important each other's company.

A/N: I'm really sorry this took so long, writer's block sucks really bad. Many thanks to everyone who voted on this story and to those who commented. Without your support I'd have given up already so thank you! I'm marking this as the end for now though if I get inspiration I might write a short epilogue or something. That's all from me, have a lovely day and I hope you enjoyed this :D

How to lose at Quidditch, but win at love (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now