Chapter 4: The Engagement Party

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With the first winds of the fall, came sweaters, pumpkin spice, and colorful leaves that covered everything in red, orange, and yellow. But for Autumn, fall also brought Heather's engagement party and her first cycle, all on the same day.

Lifting her glass of water, she looked among the large group of family and soon to be family members. She was supposed to act normal and not count down the nine days until she'll be able to tell if the cycle worked, but that was hard enough when her very life could be changed forever this second.

"Autumn!" She sighed. Here we go. She turned to her mother who was dressed in a cute little emerald sweater dress. Being dragged along was a very nice looking man who was dressed in polo and jeans. "Here she is. This is Autumn, my beautiful and smart daughter. Autumn, this is Benet, he's one of Kyle's work buddies."

Autumn smiled. "Nice to meet you Benet." She turned back to the appetizers with a sip of her water. A cleared throat glanced her direction back to them. "Did you know that Autumn is an architect? She has designed many hotels and skyscrapers."

"Oh really?" His eyebrow rose. "That's very interesting."

"I'm a residential architect." Autumn corrected, ignoring her mother's narrowing gaze. "Those aren't really my big things."

"Oh." The interest was gone. "I see." He glanced at his watch. "Excuse me, I have to go meet my sister at the door." Watching him slip away, Autumn turned back to the table of appetizers.

"Seriously Autumn?" Her mother sighed. "What was wrong with that one? Since you so love to pick apart the man I bring."

"Mom," She frowned at her mother. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't want you to set me with anyone else?"

"Well, I'm sorry if I thought you would want to look at the options here."

Shaking her head, Autumn's eyes narrowed. "I don't want to look at the options here. Really mom? This is Heather's engagement party and you still try to make it about my love life."

"Well, your sisters are getting married." She reached up to her scarf. "I just want to make sure you have someone and don't feel too left out." Whacking her hand away, Autumn sighed. "Mom, will you stop?"

"What I'm just making sure you look presentable."

Autumn's nostrils flared.

"Autumn!" Heather called. With a relieved sigh, she turned away from her mother. "I have to go." Not looking back, she made her way to Heather. "I am about to lose it on her."

"I know, but she's just trying to help."

"No, she's trying to marry me off like I'm an object." Huffing, she folded her arms around herself. "But it doesn't matter. Not when it's your engagement party." She hugged Heather tightly. "My sister is getting married!"

"I know!" Heather squealed back. "I'm so excited!"

"As you should be." She grabbed her sister's hand. "Kyle is a good one, Heather." Seeing love soften her sister's gaze, Autumn felt that familiar pain of longing. Soon, she'll have her own family as well.

"Thanks." She smiled. "Though I have no idea where the best man is. I swear I look away for one minute and he's off looking at curtains or something." She gave her hand a small squeeze. "But enough about me? How was the appointment?"

"It was good." Autumn laughed. "But I have to wait till nine days before I can find out if it worked or not."

"You better call me first thing when the results come up."

Autumn squeezed her hand. "Of course." Seeing a couple linger, Autumn nodded to them. "I'll let you get back to your party."

"Ok, but seriously call me."

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