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Hii!! I have been wanting to write a story like this for so long because I lowkey love these stupid types of stories they're honestly super cute :33 I really hope u enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this :33

Some extra info;

-The upside down stuff didn't happen so no powers :((

-The party don't know everyone yet, only some know each other

-Joyce and Hopper are married so Will, El and Jonathan are all siblings :3

-Max, Will and El all know each other and Lucas, Dustin and Mike know each other, the two groups don't know each other yet though

-It is set in current time so like they'll use slang sometimes from now

-I know some things aren't really cannon, but I wanna like kinda make them me?? Like, you'll kinda see when you read it

-Will and El are twins, they were originally Lonnie's but hes a slag so Joyce #divorced him and now she's married to Hopper (my husband) so yay!

That's it, bye!!!! I love u 😜💓

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