Chapter 1 - Decorations

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"Are you sure that you're gonna be okay, baby?" Joyce sighed, setting down the last box of Will's things in his room.

"I'll be fine, I promise." Will chuckled softly, nodding his head.

"You're all grown up. . . I remember when you were only a little baby. The years have just flown by." She frowned, her hand gently cupping Will's cheek.

"I'm not leaving forever, I'm just going to college. I'll call you tonight, okay?" Will chuckled, Joyce sighing softly and nodding.

"Okay. . . I'll let you be now. Try and make some real friends here, okay? Not just Max and El." Joyce joked, Will scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"Wow, the lovely moment we were having is now ruined." He spoke sarcastically, Joyce letting out a soft laugh before giving his cheek a soft kiss.

"Have fun, okay? Make sure to call every week, yeah?" Joyce made sure.

"Of course. I love you." Will smiled, Joyce pouting and giving him a hug.

"I love you too, I'll go and make sure that Hop and El are done now." Joyce frowned, Will nodding softly and letting her leave.

"Bye!" He grinned, giving her a small wave and watching as she left.

Joyce left the room, Will turning around and looking at his empty bedroom. He grinned as he thought about how he could decorate it, trying to map out where he could put his art supplies. He knew his canvasses were big, so he would need to keep at least one corner of the room free, and-


Will jumped at the sudden noise, frowning and walking out of his room to see who was there. He walked over to the door and opened it, seeing his best friend and sister's face.

"Hii! We are here to help you decorate your room!" El grinned, pushing past Will and heading over to the room which she assumed was his.

"You're room is huge! Lucky!" El pouted, looking around at the room and examining all of Will's stuff.

"We could get this decorated pretty quickly, right? I mean, there's three of us so it shouldn't take that long. . ?" El spoke softly as she thought about everything they would need to unpack.

"Yeah, probably. I mean, it's pretty late already so we could probably get your room set up for night time." Max shrugged.

The three quickly began to set up the room, taking a small break to gossip about their new roomates and eat some leftovers from their sleepover the night before.

"He's so hot. Like, seriously, I have to get you a photo of him." Max grinned, Will scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"My roomate is very sweet, he is called Dustin! He has this cool thing were he's like- he's missing bones and stuff and he's super funny!" El grinned, excited to have someone who could possibly be her new friend.

"Ugh, I'm scared to meet mine. . . I mean, he's not made a very good first impression being a day late." Will rolled his eyes, Max giggling.

"Do you know who it'll be?" She asked him, snatching his pizza and taking a huge bite.

"Max, seriously!? Ugh, his name is Mick or Mike or something I think? I'm not entirely sure." He shrugged, taking his pizza back and taking a bite.

"I think we are with my roomates friends, he was telling me about how he has some friends called Mike and Dustin. Maybe it's fate!" Max grinned, Will giving her an unimpressed look.

"Fate? Really?" He scoffed.

"Yes! God, lighten up you boring old soul. You're like an old man trapped in a seventeen year old's body." She joked.

"Shut up." Will giggled, giving her shoulder a small smack.

Max let out a small giggle, the three continuing to talk about whatever came to mind.

"I need to finish this show that I'm watching, it's literally so good but I just- Ugh, I don't know, I just can not be bothered." Max pouted, Will listening intently.

"I need to finish so many things! I have started about four different shows and now I am just so overwhelmed because there is too many and it is freaking me out." El complained.

"Real." Max spoke as she scoffed down another bit of pizza.

"Max, your gonna choke if you do that! Jesus, stop it." Will scoffed, Max rolling her eyes at him.

"Okay dad." She scoffed, Will giving her a glare before rolling his eyes.

The three continued talking for a while before they heard the front door click open, all of them freezing.

"Will, oh my god, we are gonna die, we are being burgled!" Max shrieked, Will scowling and smacking her arm.

"Max, shut up! Jesus Christ!" He scowled, "In case you forgot, I have a roomate who should be arriving soon." He scoffed.

"Oh yeah. . . I forgot." Max murmured, her cheeks going a soft shade of pink, "Sorry. . ." She grinned.

"He probably thinks I'm a right weirdo now, Jesus." He grumbled, wiping his hands on the small napkin beside him and getting up.

"Stay here, eat pizza and don't be weird. . . or stupid, okay?" Will sighed, the two girls nodding and watching as Will got up.

He walked out of the room nervously, looking over at the front door to see a boy with dark curls and a slightly older girl with dark brown curls in front of him, the two talking about something.

"Stop being anti social and just go, I'll call you in a few days, okay?" The girl sighed.

"Nance, can you not just help me unpack my stuff? Please!" He whined, sounding irritated.

"No, Mike, you need to actually learn how to be an adult. Now go and be a normal person and make friends. You can't stay with just Lucas and Dustin forever." Nancy scoffed.

Oh, so he is Max's roomates friend then.

The two went back and forth for a minute before Nancy just left, Mike sticking his middle finger up at her before turning around and seeing Will stood there.

"Hi." He grumbled, giving Will a small smile, Will's cheeks turning a soft shade of pink as he examined the boy in front of him.

"Hi. . ." Will spoke nervously, giving him a small smile back.

He is absolutely gorgeous.

"Um, I'm guessing you're Will?" Mike asked him, Will nodding nervously.

"Yeah." He nodded, too nervous to say anything.

"It's- It's late so I'm just gonna go to my room. . . I'll, erm. . . I'll see you around then." Mike mumbled awkwardly, Will just nodding and watching as he walked away.

He went back into the room, Max and El looking up at him in excitement.

"Does he look like boyfriend material?" She grinned.

"Max! Don't say that!" Will scowled.

"Whatever loser, I think we should let you and your roomate have some time alone. Me and El will go back to our dorms now." Max announced, a sly smirk on her face as she dragged El up with her.

"Have fun, William." She teased, Will scowling and rolling his eyes.

"Ugh, goodnight weirdos." He scoffed, the two girls saying a quick goodbye before leaving.

Will let out a soft sigh and decided to just get into some pyjamas and go to bed, so he pulled on a pair of shorts and slipped his shirt off, laying down in bed. He thought back to the boy he saw earlier, a small giggle escaping his lips as he remembered how whiney he was.

This was going to be fun.

{Word Count: 1257}

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