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“Is there something you know that you're not telling us?” Lucas asked as Ava settled down by the campfire

“We're not alone on the island” She responded

“That much we've figured out” Caleb said

“But what you haven't figured out is what they are” Ava said

“Don't you mean who they are?” Elijah asked

“Not who, what” Ava corrected “They aren't human although they have the shape of humans. They have really long limbs and very sharp claws. Their faces are empty. There are holes where eyes should be and they move with the dark”

“That sounds like a scene straight out of a horror movie” Elijah said rubbing the bridge of his temple

“It's scarier than you think” Ava sighed

“What happened to you while you were there?” Lucas asked

“I thought I was dead and done for until you guys found me. They tortured me for so long, I lost count of the days or weeks that went by. It was like a sport to them. They used their sharp claws to stab and cut into me. They didn't want me screaming so my mouth was always covered whenever they acted” Ava sniffled “Escape was futile. No matter what I did, I couldn't run, I couldn't hide. They always knew where I was”

“Were you the only one in there? What about the professors?” Caleb asked

“I met with Professor Turner and she told me that Dr. Bennett didn't survive the crash. She said she saw his body floating in the ocean before it sank along with the air hostesses on board” Ava responded

“Shit” Elijah muttered

“So Professor Turner is still alive, let's go find her” Lucas said pushing himself up

“That doesn't sound like a good idea” Milo stated looking up at Lucas “We can't just storm inside the forest and rescue Professor Turner when firstly, we don't even know where she is and also did you not hear the description of those things in there?”

“How many of those things are in there?” Lucas asked, looking at Ava

“I never saw the whole colony but I counted more than ten when I was in there” Ava replied not meeting his eyes

“And what about Professor Turner?” Lucas asked

“Professor Turner is dead” Ava said trying to hold back the tears in her eyes

“How?” Lucas fell back to the log beneath him


Ava's eyes bulged as she stared at the horrific scene in front of her. The coconuts fell from her hand, rolling off to the side as she stood there watching. Her hands cupped her mouth right after a gut wrenching scream escaped her lips.

Professor Turner was suspended in the air by the long claws of what appeared to be a human-like being. It turned to look at Ava who was frozen where she stood. You could almost hear it cackle as it pulled its claw out from Professor Turner's stomach.

“Run” Professor Turner yelled softly as she held her bleeding abdomen

Stilled with fear, she couldn't move. Her legs seemed planted to the ground as she watched the creature take slow steps towards her

She took steps backwards, before turning to run but only made it a few feet before she was picked up into the air by the back of her throat. The creature was fast, covering the distance between them in a blink of an eye.

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