Do you love me?

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Zac: Are you going?

Fatima: I'm not. We're going to the aquarium.

Zac: Okay. I have to head out, I'll be back in a couple of hours. Should I bring you anything?

Fatima: Doughnuts and Choc Chip cookies.

Zac: Luna, I'll be back. (He kissed her on the forehead)

Zac left and Fatima watched TV with Luna.

Luna: Why does Mr Zac keep doing that?

Fatima: Doing what?

Luna: Kiss me on my head.

Fatima: You don't like it?

Luna: I feel somehow. In a good way.

Fatima: He gives you butterflies. It's a form of love, fathers kiss their kids on the forehead. It's a form of affection. He loves you.

Luna: Is affection love?

Fatima: Yes.

Luna: But he's not my dad, how can he love me?

Fatima: He just loves you.

Luna: I don't understand.

Fatima: You will when you get older.

Luna: Who is the dad of the baby?

Fatima: It's Mr Zac.

Luna: Okay. I'm going to my room.

Fatima: Why? I thought we were having some mommy and daughter time.

Luna: I'm tired.

Luna went to her room.

Over with Zac

Jason: Zac, are you listening to me?

Jason has been talking to Zac but he was not listening. Zac's mind is occupied by Fatima and Luna.

Zac: I heard you. I've been thinking.

Jason: About?

Zac: Fatima, I want to marry her.

Jason: Okay bro, slow down. You guys just got back together. Get to know her more, get to know Luna too.

Zac: I know that. She's carrying my son. I want to build a family and a home. Have what my mom and dad have. I want to be happy and being with them makes me the happiest person in the world.

Jason: Does your family know her?

Zac: No, Mia only saw her by accident but she knows her as a "colleague".

Jason: When are you going to introduce her to your family?

Zac: Not anytime soon. Fatima is not ready for that and Luna hasn't fully warmed up to me.

Jason: Just do it before she gives birth.

Zac: Yes. So about this property, put it on the market for $5 million dollars and let the interns sell it.

Jason: Alright,  may the best intern win. Zac, do right by Fatima.

Zac finished his work and went back to Fatima's house. He bought her the goodies she wanted and also got Luna her favourite ice cream.

Zac: I'm back. (Shouting standing in the kitchen).

Luna: Is that mommy's cookies?

Zac: Yes and I got you ice cream too.

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