In My Veins :: 1

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I was only going to post the spicy scene but I decided I might as well post the first two chapters of this upcoming project to gauge interest. This first part is the first chapter of one of my upcoming projects. The second chapter will be in the next part. 
The second part won't be posted probably until tomorrow or Sunday, however.

Some of you might remember this story from a long time ago. I've decided to revamp it and make it a million times better, so if there's enough interest in bringing it back I will definitely start posting it.


I HAD NEVER BEEN THE RELIGIOUS TYPE. But right now, I found myself praying—actually praying—to any god that would listen that I would lose him in the crowd; that he would take the hint and give up.

After all, what respective twenty-something-year-old guy wanted my mother's help to get laid?

I slipped into the ladies' room, knowing he wouldn't be able to follow me there. Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the wall. I loved my mother, but sometimes she could be unbearable. Honestly, my whole family was a nightmare. This was my aunt's wedding for crying out loud, and they were trying to set me up.

The ceremony was stunning. Aunt Anastasia had looked so beautiful in her gown. Her smile had been radiant when she embraced her new husband after they were married. I couldn't help but smile, loving how happy she was. I just hoped this time it actually lasted, unlike the past three times.

I loved my aunt to death, but all I wanted right now was to disappear and never be seen again. When the reception began, my brothers quickly disappeared, mingling and dancing while I sat at our table, drinking orange juice. What kind of wedding didn't serve alcohol?

"Still sulking?" Aaron, one of my older brother's, teased when he returned to the table, looking me over pitifully.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sulking."

"You should go dance," he said, leaning down to my ear. "Get off your ass and get some, baby sis."

I shoved him. "Leave me alone."

"It's been two years, Sof. Two years of you moping around being miserable. You haven't gotten any in two years."

"Says you," I muttered, turning on him to look him over in his suit. "When's the last time you even went on a date?"

"We're not talking about me," he retorted, rolling his eyes. He looked immaculate. His suit fit him snugly and his golden hair was ruffled in a way that suited him. Why wasn't he mingling?

Before I could retort, my other brothers approached the table and Mom returned holding my youngest brother's hand. Callum looked adorable in his tiny suit, his golden locks falling in his eyes. He gave me a crooked grin when he climbed up onto the seat beside me. Out of all of my brothers I had to admit I enjoyed little Callum's company the most.

Being three—almost four, as he so loved to remind me—he was far better company than my other brothers. Jaden was the eldest at twenty-six, followed closely by Drake and Dylan—the twins who I hardly ever saw since they had decided to up and move across the country—who were twenty-three. Aaron, my next oldest brother, was only a year older than me and acted as if he was far wiser and more superior than me, when in reality he was just a jerk. And Tane, my younger brother, was fifteen going on thirty—or so he claimed—and looked as if he'd rather be anywhere but here.

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