In my Veins :: 2

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"YOU ARE INSANE," I HISSED, STARING as I watched Liam pull back a section of the fence leading into the empty stadium. My heart hammered as I glanced around, afraid there would be security waiting to catch us loitering.

I still couldn't believe I had agreed to follow him at all. Especially after he swiped a bottle of champagne from the bar and we ran down the street hand in hand, giggling like naughty school children. But standing here, steps away from breaking and entering, reality soon caught up to me.

"Live a little, Sofia," Liam said, grinning mischievously.

I could not believe I was about to do this. I had never broken into anywhere or stolen anything in my life. I had never been one for breaking the rules. I was a strict believer in doing the right thing and never getting in trouble. But—

"You are a bad influence," I said before I grinned and let him help me through the gap in the fence. How he knew the gap was there, I didn't want to know.

We walked onto the grass, and I gaped up at the rows upon rows of seats. "Wow," I whispered, slowly walking out onto the field. It was so empty and quiet. I'd only been to the stadium a handful of times—when my dad and brothers dragged me along against my will—and each time it had been teeming with people and noise, jarring and crowded. Somehow seeing it at night, with no one here, with silence reigning, made it seem so much more... magical.

My heels wobbled on the grass, so I leaned down to slip them off, scooping them up afterwards. I couldn't help but stare out at the field. It looked so different from down here. It was so much bigger down here than from up in the stands.

Liam led the way into the middle of the pitch. We sat on the grass and stared up at the rows upon rows of seats. "I have to admit, I have never been here and enjoyed myself."

"Never?" Liam stared at me, incredulous.

I shook my head. "I'm not really into sports. I'm not really a physical being."

Liam smirked. "And what type of being are you?"

His gaze made me flush. I didn't have an answer for him, so I took the bottle of champagne off him and took a swig. My head was starting to spin the longer I drank.

Silence descended upon us, but for some reason it wasn't awkward. It was nice, soothing even. But when it stretched on, when I felt Liam watching me, felt my cheeks heating from how intently he was looking at me, I blurted the first thing that came to mind.

"So, do you come here often?" I asked, laughing at how absurd that sounded. Liam laughed with me.

"I used to," he said, sighing as he lay down against the grass, staring up at the sky. "I used to skip school to come here with my friends. Now everything is..."

I glanced at him and leaned on an elbow. "Is what?"

He looked at me and sighed. "Too hard. If I'd known being an adult was going to be this stressful, I never would have subscribed."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I've never thought of life as a subscription before."

His lips tilted upwards. "If it was, I'm not getting my money's worth."

I handed him the bottle and he took a few gulps. "You're really that stressed?"

He shrugged. "I guess I'm just burnt out. My college years were some of my favourites, and don't get me wrong, I love my job, but everything is about to change and I'm just not ready for it."

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