My Brother's Best Friend

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SWEAT DRIPPED DOWN HER LITHE BODY, her muscles aching as she pushed them to new heights. It was eerie in the gym this late at night, but she didn't mind the quiet. In fact, she loved it. It was why she always came here so late.

But just as Alexandra hopped on the treadmill, the doors opened. She cursed internally. Obviously, someone had the same idea as her. She let her eyes flicker to the doorway as the man walked in, and she paused when she realised she knew him. She cursed again and immediately averted her eyes, so he wouldn't catch her staring.

As Oliver entered the room, he looked up to see a girl on the treadmill. His eyes scanned her toned body, eyes lingering on her flat stomach, her round ass in those tiny shorts of hers and how tight her crop top was, trapping her no doubt succulent breasts inside. What he'd give to run his hands down that body... But then he realised who it was, and he felt his bag slipping from his fingers.

Alexandra? He let out a breath and shook his head, throwing his bag to the side as he begun to peel his shirt off.

Had she even seen him? He'd always watched his friend's little sister from a distance. Always admired how gorgeous she was. But he could never do anything about it, because she was off limits. She was his best friend's baby sister. When they were children, they all used to tease each other. He'd teased her for her wobbly teeth and the glasses she used to wear. But then she'd been sent off to summer school and when she returned...

Fuck, he almost exploded in his pants. He could remember the exact moment he laid eyes on her. He could remember the little dress she was wearing. He could remember being rendered speechless, breathless in her presence. She'd become a beautiful, sexy little thing. And he suddenly wondered what they taught them at summer school...

He shook out of his thoughts and walked over to the weight machine, walking directly in front of her. She said nothing as he passed. He wondered if she was ignoring him for some reason. Perhaps she just liked silence when she worked out.

Alex quickened the speed of the treadmill and began to jog. Her eyes flickered to Oliver, watching as he laid down on the bench, preparing to lift the weights. She couldn't help but let her eyes roam over his bare chest, seeing his perfectly toned body, the muscles in his arms shifting as he pulled the weight down to his chest and pushed it back up.

She looked away, telling herself to focus on her own workout. And yet, she felt her eyes straying back to him every now and then. She watched the strain of his muscles, how his abs contracted. She licked her lips, gulping as she imagined what it'd feel like to be pressed against that toned body. Heat pooled at her core as she imagined running her fingers down his sculpted chest, tracing his muscles and tendons.

She shook her head and sped the treadmill up as Oliver sat up on the bench, reaching for different weights. He began to use the hand weights, his muscles bulging as he did so. Alex refused to look at him as she felt the sweat coating her body, dripping down her back. She wiped her forehead but kept running, the muscles in her legs beginning to ache anew.

Oliver let his eyes flicker up to watch her running while he lifted the weight in his right hand. He let his eyes roam her body yet again, taking in how exquisitely breathtaking she was. He switched hands with the weight as her eyes flickered to him. His lips curled up, suddenly realising she'd been watching him too. But she looked away just as quickly as she glanced at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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