(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... It was a festival of guts, determination, and sweat as yours truly put our contestants through their sports movie paces! Only, Duncan was a little distracted when Eva fed him some kids diaper, sick! Both teams failed to obtain victory, so both teams had to eliminate a player. And so, in the end, Heather, the queen of mean and Lindsay the queen of bottled blonde were sent packing straight to the salon. But there's no time to think about our coifs today.
The scene changes to a gun barrel and Chris walks past it now donning his blue suit. He pulls a tomato out of his pocket and threw it the air and caught it.
(Chris): Instead, we're gonna make the best spy movie ever! And we might have a few sneaky surprises along the way.
He threw the tomato covering the camera. The juice slides off showing Chris in his normal attire standing between the two trailers.
(Chris): Right here on Total. Drama. Action!
The campers were hanging around the centre of the trailers. Both teams were annoyed that no one had the winners food or the comfortable beds for three whole days. Well except for Courtney but she had no reasons to put herself on everyone's radar when she just got off of them.
(Gwen): Finally, Heather is gone.
Gwen was finally glad to be rid of Heather. She turns to Kai who was also happy to be rid of her.
(Kai): Yeah, I'm surprised she managed to last this long.
Gwen agreed with him, she and Duncan had been voting her for what felt like every episode. Off to the side Justin, Katie, and Harold were hanging out. Harold was showing off something and explained it. Justin listened to him while Katie was a litte distracted. She was in desperate need of some decent food and not Chef's... Sandwiches. She was holding one and various flies were swarming it. She looked at the spa trailer it was untouched. Screw it, she stood up.
(Katie): You think Chris will notice if I take a few bags of chips from the trailer?
Everyone looks over at her.
(Noah): Probably, but you can go ahead and try.
Katie goes for it, she walks up to the trailer door and pulled on the doorknob. She and everyone else was surprised to see a camera come from the wall and scan her face. Suddenly a robotic voice came out of the trailers speakers.
(???): Intruder alert! Entry denied!
The stairs turned into a slide and Katie began falling, at the same time a hole opened up and she fell into it screaming. The campers were all shocked, Duncan being the closest ran over to check it out.
(Duncan): What the?
Suddenly a dart comes flying past and hits him in the back of the neck. Duncan groans and fell into the hole. Harold and Courtney rushed over. Courtney was worried and Harold wanted to check on his friend
(Courtney): Duncie!
Gwen raised an eyebrow.
(Gwen): Duncie?
Both of them looked into the hole. A hat came flying past hitting them both in the head, they fell into the hole. Everyone gasps, Justin was the one to take charge.
(Justin): Run for cover!
Everyone runs for the loser trailer. Kai, Justin, Gwen, Ezekiel, and Noah were the only ones to make it inside before the door closed by itself.
You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: TDA x Male Reader/OC
FanfictionIt's been a few weeks since the previous season ended. It started with 22 campers, an after a grueling 8 weeks Duncan managed to conquer the island and win the grand prize of 100k. In the end, he gave it up for a chance to win a million bucks which...