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DESPITE HIS WISHES, EWAN, YET AGAIN, returns to the hospital, however, this time, it's on his own volition. He has fainted twice (thankfully in the privacy of his house) and has had a knee dislocation since the last time he was admitted to Lady Barnaby, and it would be a nice excuse to visit Rhys as well.

When he refuses to take a taxi (it would be idiotic to do so for a distance of one kilometer), Catrin insists on accompanying him. We'll talk about my date, she had promised, and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he is terribly curious about this man to whom, after just one meeting, she wishes to get married.

"How can you walk so fast, especially with those knees?," she asks, struggling to catch up to his stride.

"Longer limbs, Cat. I'd expect a nurse to know that, Sister Davies."

She smacks his stomach and he turns to her with a cheeky grin, and betraying his curiosity, asks, "So, when are you telling me about your boyfriend?"

"Christ, Yew," she says coyly, a blush forming on her cheeks, "Can't I juice this own my own?"

"Absolutely not! Why else would I have allowed you to come with me?"

"Wow, I thought you just liked spending time with your sister, but apparently-"

"Stop with the drama and tell me," he laughs, and she joins in, cheeks ruddy and nose flushed.

"Ok, fine. His name's Jacob, he's a doctor, too," she looks up at him with childlike expectation, hoping that he'd be impressed, and he complies, sending her a awed look. "His dad's a rabbi, but he has his mother's surname. Some ritual reason I guess. His sister works at Ner Ephraim alongside her dad. He said he'll introduce me to her the next time we meet."

"Tell him you'll introduce your brother to him the next time you meet as well."

Catrin's face lights up, and she tugs at his arm, "You'll come?"

"If you're that serious about him, I'll have to."

Cat stops in his tracks, and while looking at him with mist over her eyes, pulls him into a hug.


"So, how often have the fainting episodes been occurring?"

Yusuf stands there in his white coat, sleeves rolled up to reveal his veiny, slender arms, from which he cannot tear his eyes away. He comes close to Ewan and puts his calloused, strong hand on his neck, and he blushes at the proximity, begging God that Yusuf doesn't notice.

"They aren't regular, but it's happened twice in the last two weeks," he says, thanking heavens that his voice comes out normal and not the flustered squeak he was anticipating.

"Hm. And the dislocation?"

"I've been managing to set them myself, Cat taught me."

"Your sister is very resourceful," Yusuf smiles at him, but suddenly, his face turns apologetic. "Ewan, I needed to say this earlier, but I'm so sorry I went behind your back. They way Cat presented it to me, I thought you'd be okay with it, but," he trails off, eyes upturned to face a smiling Ewan, "Are - are you not angry with me?"

"Of course not, Yusuf. The decision to take you was the only part of it I approved of. Did you get drunk?"

"She did, but it's my fault for stopping at a bar, I -"

"No need to blame yourself," he smiles, slightly jealous of the fact that he is calling her 'Cat' already. "So, Dr. Khayat, what's my diagnosis? Outside of POTS, I mean."

Yusuf laughs and lays a hand on his thigh, sending him into a mild panic, which he tries not to show by adopting a neutral expression. "Your muscles are getting worn. I'm recommending two days of bed rest and a warm bath everyday for the week."

"Rebekah needs me at school, is it okay if I take off during the weekend?"

"Ms. Taylor?" Yusuf says, and Ewan is confused as to why his question is being ignored, "Please send in Catrin Davies."

"Yusuf, what-"

He is interrupted by Catrin entering the room. "Ah yes, Cat. Your brother is refusing bed rest because he's needed at school. I expect you to ensure that he rests."

"Yusuf!" he exclaims at this childish treatment, but Yusuf only grins. He looks to Catrin, who fumes in mock anger, but begins laughing immediately after looking at Yusuf.

"Don't worry Yous, I'll see to it."

"Christ! I leave you two alone for a day and it's 'Yous' this and 'Cat' that! I'm being bullied here."

"And you will be, unless you take care of yourself. Ewan," he says, hand again on his thigh, "You're persevering through this, but ignoring your symptoms will only make your life more difficult. Are you using warm water to take off the KT Tape?"

"Yes, Dr. Khayat," he quips, and is secretly delighted to see his cheeks gather colour. 

"Yous, we're going to Llandorf again this weekend."


"Ewan's coming with me. I'd like you to come as well."

A rare smile forms on Yusuf's face, and he nods. "I'd be honoured."


Once they exit the room, Ewan looks around himself and taps Catrin on the shoulder.

"Listen, I have something to discuss with Dr. Simpkey. You head on home, I'll be there in half an hour."

"You sure? I don't mind waiting."

"I'm sure. Da must be getting anxious, it's better if at least one of us is with him."

She nods and turns around to walk out of the hospital, and he immediately rushes to the lift to head to Rhys' room. He reaches there and knocks, only to be greeted by silence. He gingerly opens the door to spot Rhys propped up on some pillows, reading a book.

"Hi Rhys," he says, and the boy tears his eyes away from The Little Prince to look at him with a smile.

"Hello sir," he says softly, as to not disturb his sore facial muscles, "I wanted - that day - you, I," he mumbles, trying to get his words out, "I wanted to thank you. I don't know if I'd have been left alive if I stayed in that school."

"The school in Cardiff is much stricter, Rhys. You'll have to pretend to be straight, and more convincingly so over there. For starters, by not openly reading books by Exupery."

"You sound like you have experience."

"Let's just say, I do."

The boy's eyes widen at this admittance, and he whispers, "You're gay?"

"Yes," he says, shaking slightly, almost laughing at how liberated he feels by saying it out loud. "I - I'm gay."

As soon as he says this, he sees a horrified look on Rhys' face, and confused, turns around, only to see, to his visceral shock, Yusuf Khayat.

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