Chapter 2.

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"You got everything?" -Eddie

"Yep" -Scarlet

"Alright, have a good trip" -Eddie

"See you in a week" -Scarlet

"Let's get this party started!" -Freya


We had just landed at the port, and everybody had to get out of the bus to get our pass checked in and get our keycards to our rooms. Freya and I were staying in a room together, room nr. 205 on the first floor to be exact. We walked on the ship and began the search for our room, the halls with rooms were just big enough for two people to walk down them. We looked left and right to find our room when we suddenly bumped into a guy, he looked familiar. The guy was a bit taller than me, his hair was a dark blonde color, close to brown, and he was wearing a dark blue jean jacket with a red hoodie underneath and some ripped jeans.

"Oh, hi, can i get through, I can see my room is over there"-Boy

"Yeah sorry" -Freya

We let him pass through, and he gave an awkward smile as he walked away.

"Who's that, he seems familiar?" -Scarlet

"He think goes to the leisure club" -Freya

"Really? I've never seen him out there before" -Scarlet

"I saw him this morning before we got on the bus" -Freya

"I think I can see our room over there" -Scarlet

Freya and I walked over to our room and locked us in. It wasn't big but there was enough room for our stuff and the two beds.

"Nice, it has a window" -Freya

"I can already feel that this is gonna be an amazing trip" -Scarlet


Me and Freya explored the ship and looked at where everything was. The entrance was on the floor we lived on, along with a shop. Which wasn't gigantic but there was still a lot of stuff in there. On the floor above us was a pool room, it wasn't that big and there was one pool that could fit about twenty people and a hot tub that could fit about five people. We could already tell that we would properly spend a lot of the time on the ship, in there. We ran up the stairs to look on the next floor. There were four, we lived on the second floor, the bottom floor was filled with rooms, the second with the entrance, shop and of course some rooms, and the third with the pool and some rooms and lastly the fourth floor.

"This place is amazing" -Scarlet

"And this is only the start, we can't forget about the fact that we're going to camp when we land at shore" -Freya

"Hey look, the buffet, it's over there!" -Scarlet

"No way, that's where we're gonna eat. Look at the big windows, we're gonna be able to see sunrise and sunset while we eat" -Freya

"Well not at the same time" -Scarlet

I laughed as we walked away from the buffet area, the fourth floor was a bit smaller than the others since there had to be space for the deck outside.

We went outside to look at our view, it was okay but we were still pretty close to the shore, but it was definitely gonna be better when we got further out. We saw some stairs that led to the roof of the fourth floor. We went up there to get an even better view of our surroundings. There was a form of glass half bubble window that showed one of the rooms on the fourth floor, it looked like a disco club, but everything was closed.

"Hey Scar, look at this" -Freya

"What is that?" -Scarlet

"It's a window to the room below, cool right" -freya

"Yeah, but I didn't see that room when we were exploring" -Scarlet

"Yeah, you're right. And the lights are all turned off" -Freya

"Must be closed then" -Scarlet


We had searched the whole ship now, it was amazing. We had also been down to get some of our stuff from the bus, I didn't take my piano since we were only gonna be there today and then we would leave tomorrow when we arrived in Norway.


Okay hope you liked it and as always, if you have any ideas then just say, I might even put it in.

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