Chapter 5.

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The boys, Freya and I had spent a lot of the day together, we had looked at what they had in the shop .Andrew had brought Ludo, we had been playing for five minutes and Colin still hadn't gotten any of his pieces out yet.

"Okay my turn" -Colin

"Maybe try to get one out this time" -Rico

"Ha ha, very funny" -Colin

"Yeah, we've been playing for five minutes and you still don't have any out, how is that possible?" -Andrew

"He just isn't that good at rolling a dice" -Rico

"I am not!" -Colin

"Then explain that you don't have any out" -Scarlet

"I just haven't been lucky, until now that is" -Colin

He rolls the dice and still has no luck in getting out.

"This dice is cursed I'm telling you" -Colin

"Yeah sure" -Scarlet

"Maybe it is, he is the only not out yet" -Freya

"There's no such thing as cursed dice" -Andrew

"Are you sure, cause Colin still isn't out yet" -Rico

"Yeah, a normal dice would have everybody out by now" -Freya

Rico and Freya fist bummed, I looked at them and took the dice.

"Do you want me to try for you?" -Scarlet

"Yeah, but I'm telling you, it wont let me out" -Colin

I rolled my eyes and then the dice, and sure enough I rolled a six. Colin leaned back in his chair putting his hands on his head.

"So the dice works for everybody but me" -Colin

"That's not true, just try again man" -Andrew

"I guess but it's not gonna work" -Colin

Colin rolled the dice and sure it did land on a six.

"What, it worked" -Colin

"Damit, I hoped we had a cursed dice" -Rico

"Yeah, could have been so fun" -Freya

"So it's settled, the dice is not cursed" -Andrew

I looked at the clock, it was only 15:34. Dinner was first at 18:00 so we had about two and a half hours, there was nothing to do on the ship anymore. We had done everything, explored, been in the pool, in the shop, talked about the night club or whatever that room was. There were only so many games we could play, I myself had brought both normal uno and uno flip for me and Freya, that was obviously before we knew we would hang out with the three guys. We hadn't played it yet cause we still wanted to have something to do on our way home.

"Yes, ha ha! Back to home with you" -Rico

Rico had landed on the same place as Freya, and rules are rules so she took the piece and placed it at 'Home'.

"Rude" -Freya

"Sorry girl, can't help it, I'm too good" -Rico

He stood up and did a little dance.

"Hold your horses cowboy, you still haven't won yet" -Andrew

"Now it's you that's rude" -Rico

Rico sat down in his seat again, we were sitting in the guys cabin room. He made a very sad face.

"Hm!" -Rico

"Don't worry little boy, you still have a chance to win" -Freya

Freya said it in a teasing way, she couldn't help but to think it was fun to see him like that. Rico couldn't stay mad at her so he just smiled and answered in a bit child-like voice.

"Okay" -Rico

We played the rest of the game to the end, after that Freya and I headed back to our room. We were back at 16:18 so we had plenty of time to relax, two hours to be precise. I turned on the little tv and looked through the channels. There were about four real channels and one that showed outside from a camera on the tallest point of the ship.                                                                  We finally found a somewhat interesting channel, it was about some cars driving on stunts and crashing.

Words: 645

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any ideas then just comment them below.

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