Business Party and truth revealed

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In room

Ash:-Serena, may I come in?

Serena :-Have you come to meet me?

Ash:- Yes, I came to give you this. This is for you. I want you to wear it at today's business party.

Serena:-You have brought a gift for me on my behalf. You made me happy today. I thought you had forgotten our love. But no, love never ends. This is absolutely true.

Ash:-So okay Serena I'm leaving you get ready

Serena:-I'll come down

Misty:-She became happy, look sometimes small things give a person great happiness and she must have been very happy because you are giving her a gift, her hopes were getting shattered, you did well by giving her that dress, okay I am also going to get ready Ash

Ash:-Doesn't it matter to you if I go close to her

Misty- :-no because I can't betray my friend and I told her that day that I am your wife and I have some rights because she was repeatedly questioning my self-respect

Ash:-I understand Misty that our relationship does not matter to you, let it be, get ready, it's about to be time

Misty:-This is getting weird leave me alone should I get ready

I am ready

How am I looking? You should tell my author in the comments

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How am I looking? You should tell my author in the comments. I know you will like me. I am your favourite.

I am ready, how do I look?

Ash:-Why didn't you wear the dress that I had chosen for you?

Misty:-That dress was not looking good for a business party, so I wore a formal dress, everyone will like it too. I know,

Ash:-when you have already decided how you like the dress, then why are you asking me?

Misty:- Okay, I made a mistake by asking you, bye.

Serena call Ash

Serena:-That dress you chose for me, how am I looking?

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Serena:-That dress you chose for me, how am I looking?

Ash:-You are looking very beautiful


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