Beginning Of Terror.

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warning - Brutal scenes and words that would not be covered. Not for those who hates.. Crime scenes or what ever.

Timeskip.. Next day..

Everyone had gathered at school, settling into their usual seats, the quiet hum of morning conversation filling the classroom. The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed faintly, casting a pale glow over the room that felt almost too sterile, too cold. Outside, a thin layer of mist clung to the windows, making everything beyond them look hazy and distant. The sky was a dull, overcast gray, casting an eerie gloom over the entire day.

Hanni and Minji sat near the front, whispering quietly to each other, their voices barely audible over the soft chatter of the other students. There was something off about the atmosphere today-an unspoken tension that hung in the air, making the room feel heavier than usual. It wasn't the usual excitement or sleepy boredom that filled the class before a lecture. This was different. It felt... wrong.

Everyone was already in their seats, except for Jay and Yunjin. Their absence didn't go unnoticed. People exchanged glances, but no one said much at first. It wasn't until Niki, who had been sitting near the back, glanced over at the two empty chairs that the mood shifted.

Niki stared at the empty seats with a strange intensity, his expression unreadable. His gaze lingered on Jay's desk for far too long, his eyes dark and distant. The room seemed to grow quieter, as if everyone was waiting for something-waiting for the silence to be broken, for someone to say what everyone was thinking.

- "Where's Jay?"

someone finally asked, breaking the uneasy quiet. The question hung in the air, unanswered.

It wasn't uncommon for students to be late or even skip class now and then, but something about Jay and Yunjin's absence felt different today. Maybe it was the way Niki kept staring at the empty seats, his fingers drumming anxiously against his desk. Or maybe it was the oppressive grayness outside, the strange stillness that seemed to seep into the room from the foggy world beyond the windows.

Minji glanced back at Niki, her brow furrowed in concern.

"Do you think Jay's absent?"

she asked Hanni, her voice hushed. But even as she said it, there was a strange uncertainty in her tone, as if she didn't quite believe it herself.

Hanni shook her head slightly, her eyes darting from Niki to the door, as if expecting Jay to walk in at any moment.

- "Maybe... but it's weird, isn't it? Yunjin's usually here early, and Jay... he didn't say anything about missing class."

The room seemed to grow colder, a faint chill creeping in through the cracks in the windows. The clock on the wall ticked steadily, the sound unnervingly loud in the stillness. Each second felt like it dragged on longer than the last, the eerie quiet only deepening the sense of unease.

And yet, no one spoke of it. No one voiced the growing worry that something might be wrong. It was as if speaking the thought aloud would somehow make it real, would somehow solidify the strange feeling that hung over them like a shadow.

Minutes passed, but the empty seats remained vacant, untouched. Niki's gaze never wavered, his eyes fixed on the door, waiting.

Yunjin's pov earlier before going to school.

I was already dressed up, putting my lip balm on my lips calmly until I heard something growling outside my room.

It sent goosebumps all over my body, probably my dog? No.. My dog is at Mom's.

- "hello? Who's there? " I asked, my voice loud enough but no one responded.

I decided to check it, and the next thing I know I was immediately pushed to the ground with so much force, shit what the fuck is this.. Rotting corpse.. Fuck, could it possibly be.. A zombie?!

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