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Hanni's Pov.

It had been 2 days since, The city was fucking fogged and fucked up with zombie.

All of us had gathered in one place, seeking refuge from the chaos that had engulfed the world

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All of us had gathered in one place, seeking refuge from the chaos that had engulfed the world. After days of wandering through crumbling streets and hiding from the horrors lurking outside, we finally stumbled upon a place that offered some semblance of safety—an old, abandoned hotel on the edge of the city. It wasn’t much, but it was still standing, and most importantly, it was working. The electricity sputtered on and off, and the pipes creaked like they hadn't been used in years, but for us, it felt like a miracle. The outside world was a nightmare of decaying cities and shambling, rotting corpses, but in here, for just a moment, it felt like we could breathe.

Despite the creaking floors and the unsettling emptiness of the place, the hotel offered shelter, something we desperately needed. We secured the doors, barricaded the windows, and tried to settle in, but the eerie silence of the hotel made it impossible to truly relax. Every shadow seemed to move, every sound felt like something creeping closer. The wind howled through broken windows, and somewhere in the distance, the groans of the undead carried through the air, a constant reminder that we were never truly safe.

What made everything worse, though, was Beomgyu.

He was a late addition to our group, and not exactly a welcome one. We had stumbled upon him just before we found the hotel, standing in the middle of the street with that nervous energy of his, looking lost and terrified. We couldn’t just leave him out there to die, even though part of me wondered if that would’ve been the smarter choice. Now, he was our problem—another mouth to feed, another body to protect. But there was something about him, something that put us all on edge.

Beomgyu wasn’t like the rest of us. He was twitchy, always glancing over his shoulder, his hands shaking every time he spoke. He didn’t contribute much, didn’t help with the barricades, and every time we asked him to do something, he’d make some excuse and disappear into one of the shadowy hallways. It wasn’t just that he was a coward—it was the way he acted like he was hiding something.

No one said it out loud, but I could feel the suspicion growing in the group. Whenever Beomgyu walked into the room, conversations would die off, and we’d all exchange glances, wondering if he could be trusted. But we didn’t have a choice. In this world, the living were few and far between. We needed numbers. At least, that’s what we told ourselves.

The hotel was large, too large for comfort. Most of it was in disrepair—whole floors were collapsing in on themselves, and there were rooms we didn’t dare enter. But for now, we stuck to the lobby and the rooms on the lower floors, trying to make sense of the eerie stillness. It was a strange place, with old furniture covered in dust, faded wallpaper peeling off the walls, and the occasional flicker of light from ancient, buzzing bulbs. It felt haunted, like the walls themselves were holding on to some dark secret. But we couldn’t afford to be picky. There was no other option.

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