Chapter 2 - Some TLC Required

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Loafing around just inside the school gates, Jared Hunt is having an argument with his cousin, Archer Hunt. He is grinning happily, his dirty-blond hair sparkling in the morning sun looks almost as cheerful as he is. He is, as usual, completely unfazed by his cousin's irritated scowl.

Nothing on this earth is capable of wiping the perpetual grin from Jared's face or spoiling his mood

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Nothing on this earth is capable of wiping the perpetual grin from Jared's face or spoiling his mood. Not even the fact that Archer, as usual, is stubbornly disagreeing with his well-formed theories, his translucent grey-green eyes giving Jared disdainful looks from under arched brows.

 Not even the fact that Archer, as usual, is stubbornly disagreeing with his well-formed theories, his translucent grey-green eyes giving Jared disdainful looks from under arched brows

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Theirs is an old argument, one that recurs every time a new movie, game or comic on the subject is released. They could literally disagree on this very important point for days on end.

Does Batman qualify as a superhero since he's not an alien and has no superpowers?

Today, Jared seems to be winning the debate. Based on completely fictional data he'd plucked from the air, he'd just made some valid points to...

"Proof beyond any doubt that the dude in the black cape is as super as any other hero whether he has superpowers or not."

"Who gives a crap?" their friend, John Aguilar, growls, reaching the school gate and interrupting the life-changing debate that is bound to carry on forever if someone doesn't decisively step in and put the idiots out of their misery.

The two boys were so engrossed in their argument that neither noticed the arrival of the circle of friends' most essential member... Well, he's the guy who always has snacks with him, after all.

John glowers at them - which is not unusual - clutching a pink lunchbox in one hand and carrying his schoolbag slung over the other shoulder. He didn't have time to brush his dark hair, and his tie is a mess. That is unusual because John is normally startlingly neat.

He looks exactly the way he feels - dishevelled and rushed. Both of these things are apt to put him in a bad mood, and right now, he is – for once - glaring on purpose.

His angry question successfully puts an end to the infinite discussion, replacing it with unwanted interest. John and Ranger - the still absent member of the group - always end the cousins' long-winded debates when they get sick of it. John usually does it with statements like: "He has the guts to wear his undies over tights. Seriously, if that doesn't make him super, nothing will."

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