Chapter 4 - Starring in a Japanese Anime

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"We just want to talk," Cade grunts, scowling at Floren as if she's the one who dragged them out here and is now simply being difficult. He flashes a look at the other boys and then his eyes are peering into hers again.

He has never bothered Floren before. He lives in the building across the road from hers, and she occasionally sees him arriving or leaving, but they've never spoken to each other. She only notices him from time to time because, unless he's smoking in the alley, his dad is always yelling at him from their second-floor apartment window while Cade enters or leaves their building.

"I'll take that," Floren hears a familiar voice behind her, and the wonderful sound almost causes her legs to give out under her. She only sees a blur of movement in her peripheral vision, and then Archer comes breezing through the group so suddenly that neither she nor any of the boys around her has time to react.

He nimbly re-possesses her school bag from the athletic blond guy and carries on walking without running into any resistance. He doesn't even break his stride. John is doing something similar to rescue Floren's books from the startled guy still holding on to them.

Floren's eyes widen with shock when, like an avenging spirit, Ranger materialises behind Cade. She has no idea where he came from because she'd been too focussed on John and Archer, strolling away, chatting with each other as if they were on their way to a picnic and completely unaware of the predicament their friend is in.

Apparently, it is completely normal for these thugs to help Floren carry her baggage... if only she'd known that.

Cade either senses the threatening presence behind him or sees Floren looking past him in surprise. He probably already suspects what's happening because he clenches his teeth and turns around to face the enemy.

He is very brave.

Ranger is just standing there, looking at the boy. He actually seems to be more than a little bit bored – he is very good at looking bored - but then his eyes narrow slightly, and one eyebrow rises in an unspoken challenge; just like that, he doesn't look bored anymore at all.

Floren would've laughed if she wasn't petrified with fear. Clearly, Ranger has watched one too many anime school gangster dramas. They are vastly outnumbered here! Now is not the time to act like... well... Ranger.

The boys surrounding her are all blanching and hurrying to distance themselves from Ranger. It is a wise decision because it is time to run away from him when he appears calm and focused like this. Still, he is only one guy.

Mesmerised by the look on his face, Floren doesn't immediately realise that Jared has arrived behind her, flung an arm around her shoulders and is tugging at her to follow their friends, casually walking off with her possessions.

Archer and John have yet to miss a single step; anybody who doesn't know them would think that they were oblivious to the situation they'd just saved the girl from. When the five finally catch up with each other, it is not the first time that Floren concludes that there might be something seriously wrong with her friends.

They're not even glancing back.

Floren wants to glance back. She really, really does. Now that the danger has passed... maybe... she's starting to shake. She expects an attack from behind at any moment, but it doesn't come, and then they round the corner of the school without incident. Turning off into a side street, they finally arrive at the convenience store. It is one of Jared's many casual workplaces and also the place where he, Ranger and Archer park their bikes during school hours.

They don't park their bikes in the schoolyard in case they might need to slip away and figured that Mick's Superette is the most logical place to leave their bikes since the group of friends always walk here together after school before splitting up; each going in their own direction. Sometimes, they stick around for a bit to have a soft drink and play on the arcade machines.

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