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Hey, it's me again ;)

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This is how I imagine little Miray~ especially her eyes and eyelashes *-*

As the movie flickered on the screen, Vince's fingers danced lightly through Miray's hair, trailing down her arm with each gentle caress.

Despite the comforting sense of their closeness, a sense of unease gnawed at him.

In the dim glow of the TV, Vince stared at Miray, mesmerized by her softened features. He wished he could hear her thoughts, know what she was feeling behind those guarded eyes.

There were so many words left unspoken between them, lingering like shadows in the quiet of the room.

He didn't want to brush things aside and pretend like everything was fine.

More than anything, he craved for Miray to feel completely at ease in his presence, free from the weight of any lingering doubts or fears. 

He didn't want her to think he saw her differently because of what happened. He knew her so well that he was sure she thought that way. At first, Vince was worried she might hate him. But now, with her snuggled up to him, he felt calmer, and his mind was clearer that he could see it now. 

The reason why she was nervous around him and why she didn't just run into his arms when he arrived.

She felt embarrassed and nervous about what happened yesterday.

Maybe also mad at him.

Not that he blamed her.

Vince was mad at himself too.

Unable to contain himself, Vince swifly pulled Miray to sit crossside on his lap so he could talk to her.

Miray seemed almost startled at the sudden movement, but as Vince's strong arms held her tight and pressed a kiss on her temple, his face buried in her hair as he took a moment to compose himself, Miray allowed herself to lean into his embrace, feeling his strong arms enveloping her. 

But despite the momentary peace, her disturbed mind was far from the movie playing in the background.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday," Vince's hushed voice suddenly draw her attention and her relaxing body instantly shifted, tension creeping back into her posture as his words stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within her.

She understood what he meant all too well, feeling a rush of embarrassment flood her cheeks, her palms growing clammy as her heart raced against her chest. 

Unable to bear the weight of his gaze, she squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out the world around her. The shame of yesterday's events weighed heavily on her, wishing fervently that everyone could simply forget what happened.

Can't she at least lose that memory?

She cautiously opened her eyes, scanning the room for any signs of eavesdroppers, relieved to find everyone engrossed in the movie, the volume drowning out Vince's soft-spoken apology. 

Though she felt some measure of relief, nervous tension still boiled within her.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice heavy with misery, but before she could dwell further, Vince gently lifted her chin, coaxing her to meet his gaze. The sight of her broken and embarrassed expression tugged at his heartstrings, making him curse himself more.

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