• 5 - Surprise! A "fun" Challenge •

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Everyone wakes up. They all do the same thing— getting ready. Just like yesterday, everyone wished for no murder cases. Majority of the students went to the canteen at the same time, and enjoyed their breakfast.

" Hey Ross, don't you think it's kinda boring here..?"

Says Mavie. Ross has the same opinion as her despite it being her first day. After that, everyone came outside this time due to the fact that a few miracles happened. While Liam was exploring the place, he trips on the floor.


As he looked up, he saw an obstacle course. He was confused for he hasn't seen anything like it before. He thought he was hallucinating, so he rubbed his eyes—  but it still remained there. 

He rushed to the others to tell them on what he stumbled upon. Other people followed Liam to the place of the course, and it still remained there. Rusty nails, wooden planks, and a deep, dark, pit.

The unknown voice once again announced to all the students about the opening of the so-called "fun" challenge, and everyone approached to the spot. One of them stepped back in fear of the nasty design, but the robots were blocking the way, with no escape.

Everyone must go through the challenge.

The pupil who was pushed ended up accidentally slashing his face into the rusty nails which led to his passing.

The others were horrified due to the situation.

Margaux' POV:

Liam took me to a place which he claimed to have an obstacle course. When I went there, the place was crusty and dirty. In the blink of an eye, someone gets pushed and dies. Blood pours all over my uniform. My glasses were stained crimson red as it splashed everywhere.

As I wiped my glasses, someone went there. It was Liam.

Liam's POV

After that traumatic incident (A/N: he wasn't actually that traumatized though lol), I decided to start the challenge. I jumped on the wooden planks. To be honest, it was kind of sturdy.

Third Person

As soon Liam got on the first wooden plank, he was acing the obstacle, until the hard part. He could either grab onto a thorny vine and fall into a deep pit filled with hungry leopards ready to chomp you down when you fall, or have good reaction time and go to the spike smasher which if you don't make it to the break stage at the right time, your insides will fly everywhere.

He went with the spikes since he was good at sports, therefore making him skillful. More people started following him. In the first 5 minutes, 10 people (A/N: including the person who was pushed) have already died.

"Dang it, this is so hard"

says Kloe. As she jumps to the last plank, she almost falls to her end. Fortunately, her hands caught the sides of the piece of wood. Whenever she tries to get on, it wasn't possible for her.

Her hands immediately started sweating.

"Someone, help!!"

She inquires, just then someone pulls her—  it was Miya. Kloe then thanks her and they both went to the end in pairs.

More and more people make it to the end. 5 minutes later, 12 people in total have died. About 5 more minutes later, all the survivors survive and were allowed to go back.

At the end was a reward, it was ₱180 for everyone. (₱3,060 in total, idk how much that is in usd)

Everyone was contented with the money, some of them spent it while the others saved it  for future purposes.

The deep and so-called bottomless floor rose and displayed all the corpses which have fell and tortured, but it also allowed everyone to cross back to the starting area.

Some of the survivors had minor and/or major injures. Those who hold the damages on their bodies were assisted.

Each pupil went to their assigned dormitory while the others took a quick snack intermission before continuing their day.

Later, at evening...

The 18 remaining students ate some fried chicken provided by the cafeteria, with some rice and ice cold water. Everyone enjoyed their meal and went back to their rooms, satisfied but exhausted. They slept peacefully after the event they have experienced today.

Or so they thought. Lara couldn't sleep and decided to go outside. The current time was 9 pm, but that didn't stop her.

Before she actually started her journey of exploring the map, she messaged Miya first.
Miya's POV

When I was about to sleep, I heard a notification ring on my phone. It was from Lara, it read—

"Miya, wanna explore the place and possibly find an exit? I can't really sleep..."

I was about to agree because the last time I explored the place with Mavie, we couldn't find a possible exit. I checked the time then I suddenly disagreed.

I then replied to her using the messenger app.

"I would but like it's really late and I don't really want to.. you can stay at my dorm tho and we could have a mini sleepover!"

When she saw my message, she replied with a thumbs up.  I was also quite happy for it was really boring being alone.

"R u outside?"


After that, I heard a knock on my door, when I unlocked it I let her in. Me and Lara had a fun talk and we eventually fell asleep at about 9:45 pm.

A/N: Hey guys!!! If you notice the chapters are getting shorter, it's probably because im busy or I have no more ideas. Next chapter may take a long time to upload though because I have class tmrw :[ Anywayy, thats all!!1!11!

Word count: 958

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