• 𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐄 𝐉𝐄𝐎𝐍 ᴘᴀʀᴛ 3 •

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"Tae-taehyung wh-what are y-you doing??"

Taehyung was sucking Jungkook clothed nipple


"Shhh shut up and let me enjoy"

Taehyung said and started to suck it harder making Jungkook shirt wet and transparent

"Tae st-stop i-it's wrong"

"I'm just recalling old days uncle"

Taehyung said with fake puppy eyes made Jungkook melt

"Bu-but tae"

"so you're trying to disobey me hmm"

Taehyung said in dark deep voice showing his darkest aura made Jungkook shivering

How the boy who was showing his puppy eyes turn into red dark eyes



Jimin shouted from downstairs

"Hmm you're lucky mom called us or else I must show you my real side"

Taehyung said with deep voice made Jungkook feel scared

His nephew isn't same as he was imagining

"And one more thing doll , obey my each words understand"


"I guess yo didn't understand let me make you understand clearly"

Taehyung said and grab Jungkook soft cheek with his rough hands

"Dare to Disobey daddy and daddy will show you his real self and I hope you don't wanna see daddy real side hmm"


Taehyung chuckle deeply at the older boy and tapped at Jungkook right cheek

"Yup you're only daddy and I prefer you to call me daddy when we're alone"

Taehyung smirked in dominance when younger boy nodded his head

"I need words , use you're preety mouth doll" Taehyung decided to go further

"Y-yes" Jungkook shuttered

"Yes what?"

"Ye-s da-daddy"

Taehyung smirked in dominance and pat Jungkook head

"Such good obedient pup for daddy , aren't you"

Taehyung praised Jungkook and left from there

Jungkook feel like crying , he was really submission boy and moreover Taehyung was really dominate for him

He never imagined his nephew will be this much scary

The nephew he use to love When he was a baby want him to call him daddy now

but he don't know why he liked when Taehyung praised him

Some how he liked getting praised by Taehyung

Jungkook got confused

He let his tears falls from his eyes

Jungkook shake his head and left the room


Everyone were sitting on dinning table waiting for Jungkook

"Jungkook you came oh wait why you're face is red did you cried?"

Jimin asked worriedly

"Oh no oppa it must be he fall on the floor like again and started to cry" Jacobin said and rolled her eye seeing her annoying husband

Jungkook sniff listening his wife hurtful words about him

Not knowing someone was staring at him with lust and love eyes


~ah my baby is so sensitive that he just cried by my warning

How much he'll cry whet I'll gonna punish him mercilessly

I swear I won't do any mercy on him that moment

Uffff gonna love his expression

The way he gonna beg me to be slow , have some mercy on him

And the crys when I'm gonna ignore his words and go more faster

Then I'll spank him Hard until he say "sorry Daddy, promise kookie will be a good boy"

Then if use toys on him to see his expression

oh god , imagine how he twerk his ass infront of me to get my dick inside him when he feel empty and say "~daddy please"

And when I won't stop at many rounds then he cry "~daddy too much"

~ah the way he'll look when he's gonna ride me after our fifth round

and when I choke his already marked neck by my hand Making it have red finger print

And when he'll giving me blow job and my dick didn't fit in his mouth and I'll grab his hair and push his head more that he cry

I'll surely eat that pink hole out until he beg me to stop and cry out of sensitivity

and when- SHIT I GOT HARD


Taehyung got hard imagining dirty with his uncle

Taehyung get up from his chair and directly went to his room without telling anyone something

"Ah what happened to him" Yoongi asked

"I don't know he's behaving so weird from morning" Jimin further said

"He didn't even finsihed his dinner properly , kookie could you go to Taehyung room after finishing you're dinner and gave him his food please" Jimin requested

Jimin wanted that both uncle nephew spend special time together but he didn't know Jungkook was crying inside not to go but how can he say no to his Hyung and moreover he's a guest he shouldn't distrub them

"Ab o-ok hyung I will" Jungkook said and chewed his food


After eating his dinner Jungkook Directly went to Taehyung room holding plate of food with his tiny shivering hands

Jungkook was about to knock but he noticed the door was opened so he decided to go inside directly

"Taehyung i-WHAT THE HELL"

Jungkook got shock by the view infront of him

Taehyung was stroking his 9inch cock and moaning Jungkook name

"~~ahhh yeah Jungkook mmh"

"~~yeah doll mmmh like that"

Jungkook become Jungshock before he could even react

"You came on right time baby boy"

Taehyung said with a smirk staring at Jungkook while pumping his dick



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