discovered abilities and unknown enemies

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Hello, how's everyone doing? I'm not gonna lie. I totally forgot about this one. My bad. I was just rereading it and got inspiration, so here.

⚠️TW⚠️  violence, blood, and gore.

Unknown POV

"You know what you are supposed to do, right? Only scare, don't overdo it, " I told the two vampires in front of me.

"We already heard you. I don't even know why we are taking orders from you." The first said. He had a temper. I could tell.

"Because I made a deal with your boss. Now go do as I say and don't screw it up." I told them.

They both glared at me. The first one especially, but they couldn't do anything to me after all I did have a deal with their boss.

He hissed before disappearing from the building. Now that that was settled, it's time to move on to the next phase of the plan.

A couple of riff-raff wasn't technically rare to see, I found one almost immediately. People who were ready to do anything for money.

"So what you gotta do is steal this necklace. There is no need to harm the boys, but you should give them enough scare." I told them.

"Just that and you're willing to pay us a grande?" The one who I assumed was the leader asked skeptically.

"In cash." I added as I dropped a bag full of cash in front of them.

They opened the bag and as they saw the load of cash, their eyes shun with greed.

"But of course you'll get the money after your job is done." I said as I made the bag disappear before their eyes.

"What the fuck was that?" One of the men asked wide eyed as I used my magic.

"What the hell are you?" The leader asked me as he glared at me and reached for his gun. Pathetic as if a bullet could kill me.

"I'm the person who's going to make you rich. That's all you need to know. So are you in or not." I asked. I was getting impatient.

"If we do this job and you do your witchidy thingy and scam us, I'm going to kill you." The leader said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. You will receive your full payment after the job is done correctly, I cross my heart." I assured them.

"Alright then, we're in." He said.

"Excellent. Now one extra job for you." I said to the leader.

Things should be going according to plan. Hopefully no one fucks up tonight and we might just have three new additions to the supernatural community.

I was at a building waiting for either of the idiots I sent to come back and report to me.

I was just standing when suddenly the asshole vampire rushed at me at lightning speed and kept me at a chokehold suspended in the air.

"You bitch, you didn't tell us that we were going against a witch. Was your plan to send us there to die?" The vampire asked as his hand tightened around my throat.

"Viasmos beramus diasdos." I chanted hoarsly through my closed wind pipe and the asshole dropped me immediately to hold his head which I was tearing apart from the inside out. He fell on his knee and screamed in pain. I enjoyed every second of it. And soon after he was dead.

"I never liked you." I said to the vampire corpse. I looked to the other vampire, he looked mad but I knew he wouldn't try anything not after seeing the way I killed the other one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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