The night that changed everything

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Story is rated mature for mature themes like violence, language, etc. So read with caution. I'll warn you at the beginning of the chapter if it contains mature themes till then......happy reading

Tutor's POV
We were at the Pentagon and all through the night I have been staring at him. I don't think anyone has noticed, well except Net.

He wasn't working tonight, this time he came to have fun and he dressed for the occasion. The crop top shirt and high waist trousers he wore coupled with the jewelry was perfection. He looked so sexy and it was driving me crazy. I didn't know how I could approach him without seeming like a creep (which I am)

He was there with someone I hadn't seen with him before. Was he his boyfriend or were they just friends? Thankfully it was the latter. I could tell from their body language with each other and I also listened to their conversation. It was wrong I know but I just wanted to confirm if they were more than friends.

"You have to go and talk to him." Net encouraged me.

"It's not that simple," I told him.

"All you gotta do is walk up to him and talk. It's actually that simple. Come on you have been crushing on this guy for ages. You might not get another chance you know." Net said.

Things like this were simple for Net, it came naturally to him. Net could meet and sleep with a person in one day. Not me though. Talking with strangers had never been my thing. I always liked keeping to myself unless it was crucial, I'd rather keep out of the conversation.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you're in a position to give me advice," I told Net.

"Why not?" Net asked me as if he was shocked.

"You sleep with everything that breathes." I deadpan

"Correction, every cute thing that breathes." Net corrected me and winked.

I shook my head at my friend's bluntness.

"Speaking of which, his friend is pretty attractive too, might as well go talk to him and you can just follow my lead. We can make it a foursome." Net said.

I knew he was joking but I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"What's the point anyway, it's not like he's going to be with me once he finds out what I am," I said.

"After he finds out? Are you thinking about making it serious? You like him, but you are not after the fun. Are you?" Net told me.

I looked at him as if he just killed my grandmother.

"I'm not you," I told him simply.

"You know there's no use to this right? He is a mortal, you're immortal. He's gonna die someday sooner or later. That's why we should never get attached you know." Net said.

He was right and I've thought about it too. But even if he couldn't live forever I would want to stay by his side till the day he's gone. I'd love to live life to the fullest while he was still around. The thought that one day he would no longer be here was devastating but I wouldn't want to live my life void of the good things in life. I'd love to enjoy the good moments while I can.

"Tsk, I bet you just thought a whole paragraph in your head right now. Am I right?" Net asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Forget it. Your cupcake just left his attractive friend alone. Observe closely and see how it's done." Net told me and gave me a pat on my shoulder before walking towards the guy.

I wanted to stop him, really, but he had that look in his eyes when he was hungry. I could only hope it wouldn't turn out to be a great disaster, but knowing Net, that's a bit too much to ask.

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