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I am running through the streets followed by the minister, the guards see me and let me in, I run through the corridors and am surprised to see her being held back by the man, "Let her go!" I shout attracting their attention, they hold her arms tightly making her gasp and I feel the blood boil in my veins.

"Let her go!" I shout again running towards them, I'm pulled back by my friend who looks at me sadly, he gives me a kiss on the forehead, "Don't forget me" he whispers before turning around and pouncing on the man holding her, he lets her go and I take her hand running along with her followed by the minister, I turn around only to see him fighting with all his strength until a blade pierces him from side to side.

She pulls me towards her, "No time!" she shouts running and dragging me with her, "Run!" I turn again seeing the man chasing us.

"This way!" I shout taking a corridor and running down the stairs, "There's no time!" I repeat her words.

Within seconds we are in front of the cell, I throw open the doors and we enter. I close the door behind me and prop a large boulder in front of it.

"What is happening?" I ask the man without getting an answer.

"The two souls will be reunited..." he continues in what can be nothing more than a ritual, incense fills the air as his words mingle becoming unintelligible.

"Here" he says looking at us and handing us a knife, we approach and watch him as his hand remains suspended in the air.

The pounding on the door makes us gasp, "Hold! We're running out of time!"

The minister recites something but my attention is now solely and exclusively on the woman in front of me. "I love you," I whisper, "I don't want you-"

"To ever forget about us" she finishes as she moves closer to me and rests her forehead on mine, the man shouts something as the cold drops in the room and the candles are extinguished, the sound of the door opening wide is the last thing I hear before I open my eyes again and see her being grabbed by the man, tears stream down her face as they place a knife on her throat, I remain still as I hear one of them grab me too and do the same.

She and I look at each other as they say something I don't hear. "Together" I whisper.

"Together" she replies before stepping closer to the blade, I feel the metal cut into my skin, and I see the blood drain from her throat before I keel over, with one last effort I reach out and grab her hand, she turns her face to me and smiles, "I love you" I whisper as I feel the blood fill my mouth, "I love you" I see her mouth answer me before everything goes black. 


A/N - Hello everyone! I'm back with a new, different story and I can't wait to know what you think!❤️

Thank you to my amazing girlfriend  for all the love and support! ❤️


Thank you for reading and take care 🌈🍪

- C

Forget About Us - Jerrie Fanfiction AUWhere stories live. Discover now