Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Cleopatra!" I shout running through the corridors, "Please wait!" she turns around looking at me angrily, "She didn't do it!" I tell her with belief, "You can't kill her without proof!" I try to make her see reason at last.

"For the love of the Gods, Jabira, why do you believe her?" she retorts rolling her eyes.

"I just do. Look, just because someone said they saw her doesn't mean it's the truth. They've been treating her like she's nothing since she arrived just because she came from Rome. I'm just saying..." I finally add, trying to calm myself down, "I'm just saying... If you kill her now, you will have taken the life of an innocent person" I look pleadingly into her eyes.

She sighs, clutching the bridge of her nose, then looks at me softly, "Fine, find proof of her innocence and I'll let her go. But Jabira, if she did it, there will be nothing you can do to avoid her sentence" she says seriously, "Don't waste time".

After thanking her I run to the other side of the Palace, to the underground dungeon, where the prisons are, the guards let me pass and eventually I find myself in front of the massive wooden door of her cell.

I open the latch and enter slowly, noticing her sitting on the floor with her legs clutched to her chest and her face wet with tears. She sees me enter and I see a mix of emotions in her eyes, despair, anger and hope.

"It wasn't me" she whispers in a broken voice, "Please believe me. I don't want to die" she says between sobs.

"I believe you" I reply moving closer and sitting carefully next to her, she pulls her face up and looks at me with those blue eyes that are now a stormy sea, "I'll try to get you out of here, I promise" I whisper stroking her face and feeling her shaking.

"Why?" she asks with sadness and confusion.

I open and close my mouth several times but realise I don't know either, eventually I say the only thing I feel even though there is no logic in it, "Because I know it's right".

I get up and leave a tender kiss on her forehead before walking away towards the exit, "The guards will bring you food every night, eat and stay hydrated" I tell her tenderly, "Try to get some rest, I'll be back tomorrow. If you think of anything you have seen or heard you must tell me, ok?" I ask her and see her nod.

As I'm about to leave her voice stops me, "Jabira... Promise you won't forget me" she pleads looking at me intently. I nod and after taking a deep breath I leave the room in the direction of the man who accused her.

That evening I finally get to face Ashraf, the man who made the accusations, I summon him to my rooms together with Shukri, being his handler. I take a deep breath before starting to speak.

"What did you mean when you said you saw Perdita steal the vase?" I ask him with anxiety hidden by a thick layer of authority and determination.

"I saw her coming out of the Queen's chambers with the vase in her hands" he replies without looking me in the eye.

"And why were you standing in front of the Queen's chambers?" this time it is Shukri who asks, with obvious anger in his voice.

"I was bringing the corn to the Queen as you had asked me" he replies with too much haste.

"I don't remember ever asking you this" hisses Shukri, sighing at the lie, "I ask again, why were you standing in front of the Queen's chambers?"

"Well I... I lied, I wasn't there, I heard Perdita telling other slaves, what does it matter? That woman is a spy anyway."

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