Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Perrie pov




Unknown number

"For God's sake" I whisper irritated looking at the phone screen that keeps lighting up. I wait until it goes off and as soon as it does I get back under the covers, I close my eyes trying to fall back asleep but after a few seconds the ringing starts again sneaking into my ears.

"What the hell?" I moan taking the phone in my hand and accepting the call, "Who is this?" I ask letting my disappointment show.

"Edwards, it's Thirlwall. Don't hang up" I hear the annoyed voice on the other end, noticing a slight panic.

"Thirlwall, what the hell? It's 4am, are you out of your mind?" I ask showing the discomfort, "And how do you have my number anyway?"

"Firstly, I know it's 4am and I apologise, secondly no, I'm not out of my mind. Third, you gave it to me when we started work" she replies in a hurry, "Look, I know it sounds weird but you have to come to the University right away" she continues with pleading in her voice.

"Forget it, I have to work tomorrow... in a few hours" I reply trying to end the call as soon as possible.

"Perrie..." I hear her voice get quieter and I try to ignore the shiver that runs down my spine every time she says my name, "Please"

"Is this a matter of life and death?" I ask now slightly concerned.

"Well... no, but-"

"Perfect, then it can wait until tomorrow morning. Goodnight, Thirlwall" I say quickly before ending the call.

I stare at the screen of the phone still in disbelief and see it light up again showing the same number, I reject the call and turn the phone off before lying back down and feeling a warm little body come up and lie beside me.

I wrap my arm around the warm body and stroke the soft fur relaxing and closing my eyes, trying to ignore the strange feeling in my stomach and falling asleep but my dreams are disturbed by a faint feeling of anxiety.

Like every morning I run towards the classrooms ignoring the not-so-surprised looks of the people who have got to know me by now, knowing that I am a chronic latecomer.

I arrive in front of the classroom and am surprised to see the woman with brown hair pacing back and forth running her hands through her hair in obvious frustration. When she notices my presence she approaches with a... smile?

"Edwards, I've been waiting for you" she announces excitedly, making me even more confused by this sudden change in behaviour.

"I'm late" I say without much preamble with my hand already on the door handle.

"I need to talk to you, it's important" she says approaching me.

I huff closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose, "Alright, my class ends in an hour. I hope it's something meaningful" I say irritated.

"Good. Come to my office, I need to show you something" she replies ignoring my irritated tone and showing me a shy smile. "Thanks, Edwards" she says before shoving her hands in her pockets and walking away. For a moment I wonder if this is the same person who was taking the piss out of me up until yesterday but I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the hubbub coming from the classroom.

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