Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

TW: violence

Alexandria, Egypt, 31 B.C.

I walk quickly through the streets of the city, it is night now but I have no time to waste, the queen wanted some spices that were obviously not in the palace and asked me to fetch them.

I could never say no to those lips.

I run among the people not caring about their faces or even paying attention to their presence, I have to be there before dinner starts, I would never want to see that look of disappointment. I can't bear it. Not after all she has done for me.

I am no longer just her slave, but her confidante, sometimes I think even friend.

I wish we were more, but I know it would not be accepted, especially now that that the man from Rome is in the picture.

I wish he would go back to where he came from but I know that won't happen.

I try to remove the images of the two of them together and give one last push before arriving at the Palace entrance. The guards recognise me and let me in without checking me, I run to the kitchen and leave the spices to the cooks as they warn me to call the Queen because it is almost ready.

I run up the stairs, skipping steps two by two, I reach the second floor and take the corridor to my right and then down to the last room. I stop and take a deep breath before knocking.

"Jabira?" I hear her voice call from within the walls.

"Yes, my Queen. Your food is ready" I reply, hiding my breathlessness.

"Thank you, my dear, before you go please come in. I need to talk to you" I hear the calm, velvety voice of the woman behind the door. My heart quickens and I try to contain my excitement as I enter her room.

When she sees me walk in she flashes her perfect smile, genuine and cheerful. I consider myself lucky to be one of the very few people who know this smile. She points to the chair in the corner of the room and I sit down, shortly afterwards she joins me by sitting on the sofa opposite me and takes a grape, which she immediately brings to her mouth.

"Tomorrow a new slave will arrive, she is from Britannia or Italy... I am not sure, anyway she is part of the Roman Empire and Antony was forced to accept her along with other slaves. I would like you to show her all her tasks and keep an eye on her. With what's going on in Rome and the tensions with Octavian.... well, we can never trust them."

I listen carefully and nod knowing already that this will be an uncomfortable situation and fearing for the fate of the Kingdom. The Queen always says not to worry, but I can read it in her eyes that she too is afraid.

I shake my head and return to look at her and see her eat another grape before swallowing and slowly licking her lips, she watches me knowing the effect she has on me, then she stands up, moves closer and I close my eyes inhaling her myrrh scent. A few seconds later I feel her soft lips on mine and I open my mouth letting her tongue enter and dominate me, as she always does.

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