Chapter 41. 'ultimate moves'

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(Y/h/t = your hair type, y/h/l = your hair length) also at the end I NEED YOUR OPINION, so read now or read after idm just pls tell me

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(Y/h/t = your hair type, y/h/l = your hair length) also at the end I NEED YOUR OPINION, so read now or read after idm just pls tell me

For the past week it had all been about training. Since you didn't get to finish summer camp, and you still needed to train for your provisional licenses, you were In the gym every day.

You'd gotten stronger and tried new attacks, and the amount of crawling had your legs ACHING.

You could vary in size your webs and shoot from a longer distance, even hold heavier things. You'd definitely mastered your venom/electric strikes.

It had been a few hours after training and everyone were in their dorms or common room, but you decided to go back to the gym, I guess you just wanted more time to yourself with training, without everyone there, so you pulled out your headphones, and connected your favourite artist/playlist to it as you made your way to the gym.

Before leaving you'd stolen an apple from the kitchen, I mean it's not even like anybody would even notice.

Opening the doors you were about to take a bite, but stopped dead in your tracks seeing you weren't the only one who wanted alone time practice.

Shoto Todoroki.

He stopped throwing ice blades at the fake cliff and turned to you, not expecting to see you either.

"Sorry to interrupt," you chuckled as you started, "I'll be out 'your way."

He waited for a moment before deciding to speak, "No. Train with me. After all.. it's just the two of us."

You shrugged and walked over, replying "sure but I won't go easy on you."

Shoto smirked a little, "I don't expect you to, neither will I."

You stood there and he started to shoot the ice blades that were once at the cliff, at you.

The first one was near your head, you simply moved your head and it shot straight past, he sent two more, once closer to your feet and one close to your stomach as you back hand springed over and quickly jumped up onto a rock stack and sat there for a moment.

"Missed again! I thought you weren't going easy" you laughed,

"It's no fair, you keep flipping around." He yelled up playfully and stoically, it was confusing but that's just how he was.

"OH" you let out, impressed with your quick thought. You shot a long distanced web out to your uneaten fruit.

Once you got it, you put it on your head, like a target and pointed,

"Now try to get the apple" you smirked

He sent more and more which you dodged everytime, wether you were jumping, flipping, hanging, it was pretty easy. Which you currently were, hanging upside down, your legs comfortable on your web as you lay there,

WEB HEAD!! MHA various x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now