one : celestial encounters

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all of the first few chapters (main-ish) characters


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Blaire De Ville's first day at Celestial High School was nothing short of overwhelming. As she walked through the hallways, whispers filled the air, their invisible weight settling on her shoulders. The recent turn of events in her life had left her feeling like a spectacle, and now, the curious eyes of her supernatural peers only intensified that feeling.

"Did you see the new girl? She's the one who turned into a vampire over the summer," one student whispered to another as Blaire passed by.

"Yeah, and I heard about her mom... tragic," another voice chimed in, not quite low enough to be inaudible.

Trying to block out the murmurs, Blaire found herself bumping into Amoura Lavigne, the most popular witch and notorious mean girl at Celestial High. Amoura's siren eyes sized her up with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"Lost, newbie?" Amoura's voice dripped with faux concern, her entourage snickering behind her.

"Just finding my way, thanks," Blaire replied, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves she felt.

Amoura leaned in, her voice lowering. "Well, find it away from the spotlight. It tends to get... heated," she warned, her eyes glinting with a challenge before she sauntered away, her clique in tow.

Shaking off the encounter, Blaire finally made it to her locker, where she met her roommate and best friend, Ambrosia "Amber" Constantine. Amber's vibrant personality was a stark contrast to the tension Blaire had just experienced.

"Girl, you're already the talk of the school! Did you see Amoura's face? Priceless!" Amber exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over.

Blaire couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, if looks could stake, I'd be ashes by now."

The day passed in a blur of introductions and awkward encounters, but it was the after-school first day traditional party where the real drama unfolded. Amber had convinced Blaire to attend, assuring her it was the best way to integrate into the Celestial social scene.

At the party, held in a lavish mansion that only a supernatural could afford, Blaire felt out of place despite Amber's enthusiastic company. That was until she saw Ethan Cromwell for the first time. He stood across the room, his presence commanding even in the crowded space. His gaze met Blaire's, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them before he was pulled away by Katie Ruth Bancroft, his human girlfriend. The sight stung more than Blaire expected.

Amber nudged Blaire, her gaze following the interaction. "That's Ethan. Alpha werewolf and off-limits, especially to a vampire. Drama waiting to happen."

Blaire's attention was then captured by Seth Noble, her vampire boyfriend she'd been dating since last summer when she turned, who approached with a possessive arm sliding around her waist. "Enjoying the party?" he asked, his gaze lingering on Ethan for a moment too long.

"It's... interesting," Blaire replied, her mind still on the brief encounter with Ethan.

As the night wore on, Blaire found herself alone on the balcony, seeking a moment of peace. That's when Ethan appeared, his approach silent.

"Ethan Cromwell," he introduced himself formally, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

"Blaire De Ville," she replied, matching his formality.

"I know we're supposed to steer clear of each other, but I wanted to say welcome to Celestial. And... I'm sorry about your mom," Ethan said, his voice softening.

Blaire was taken aback by his sincerity. "Thank you. It means a lot."

Their conversation was interrupted as Katie Ruth appeared, her smile strained. "Ethan, there you are! And you must be Blaire. I've heard so much about you," she said, her voice friendly but cautious. As Katie led Ethan away, Blaire couldn't shake the feeling that her life had just become infinitely more complicated. The party continued around her, but all she could think about was the forbidden connection she felt with Ethan

"Hey babe," Seth called out as he joined Blaire on the balcony. Shivering slightly in the cold, he playfully remarked, "Why are you out here? It's freezing" But Blaire's mind seemed elsewhere, lost in her own thoughts. Not wanting to disturb her, Seth leaned against the balcony and gently asked, "Everything okay?" Blaire shrugged, trying to shake off her boredom. "I don't know, just feeling a bit alone, I guess," she replied taking a sip of her drink. Sensing her disquiet, Seth turned Blaire around, his gaze filled with tenderness, and bent down to give her soft kiss on her forehead. Putting his head on the top of hers, softly grabbing her butt, His voice carried a comforting tone as he reassured her, "You'll get used to it soon, baby. I promise." Blaire sighed.

Returning inside holding hands with Seth, Blaire caught snippets of the other students, including Lindsay Faye Richardson chugging down vodka, Janie Woods and Hunter Lazarus's making out, and Euphrasia Valerie Clarity talking about how beautiful the "new girl" was.

"Can we go to the bathroom?" Blaire asked with a sultry tone, her body pressed against Seth's. "Sure baby," he replied, his heart racing at her suggestive request. They walked together down the hallway and into the bathroom.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Blaire turned around and pushed Seth against the wall. Her lips met his in a fiery kiss that left him breathless. She slipped her hand into his pants and began to stroke him slowly, her eyes locked on his.

With a mischievous grin, Blaire guided Seth's hand to her panties and pulled them down, revealing her wet, swollen pussy.

Seth eagerly slid his finger into her, feeling the warm, sticky liquid coat his digit. Blaire moaned loudly, gripping her arms around his neck as he began to move his finger in and out of her at a quickening pace.

"Oh fuck, Seth," Blaire gasped between moans as his finger found her G-spot over and over again. She arched her back into his touch, desperate for more. Her hips bucked against his hand, grinding herself against him in need.

"Fuck, Blaire," Seth groaned, unable to resist the temptation any longer. He pushed her panties to the side and slid his dick into her wet pussy. She gasped and the thickness and length.

Seth began to thrust into her hard and fast. Their hips collided with each other. Blaire's nails dug into his shoulders as she met his pace, their bodies slapping together.

Seth lifted Blaire up and bent her over the sink, her ass in the air and her mouth close to his ear. "Fuck me hard," she moaned, her voice full of desire and need. He did just that, pounding into her with a force that made their bodies crash together.

As they fucked harder and faster, Blaire's cries of pleasure echoed through the room. Her pussy tightened around his cock, pulling him in deeper with each thrust.

Unable to hold back any longer, Seth grabbed Blaire's hips and thrust into her with all his strength. Their combined moans filled the bathroom as he quickly pulled out and turned her around pushing her onto her knees, and came all in her mouth. He picked her up onto the sink and collapsed against her, his chest heaving. They leaned against each other in the bathroom, still panting heavily. Seth pressed a soft kiss to Blaire's neck, murmuring words of affection.

As the party wound down,and Amber noticed Seth and Blaire walking out of the bathroom together, Amber linked arms with Blaire, drunk as can be, their supernatural drama momentarily forgotten. "This is going to be an interesting year," Amber mused, basically passing out.

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