two : unraveling mysteries

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Chapter 2: Unraveling Mysteries
all of the first few chapters (main-ish) characters

The news of Blaire and Seth's bathroom sex had sent shockwaves through Celestial High

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The news of Blaire and Seth's bathroom sex had sent shockwaves through Celestial High. Whispers and snickers trailed behind them as they navigated the hallways, but Blaire paid them no mind. She had better things to be worried about.

As a group of freshmen passed by, giggles filled the air. "Have you heard about Seth and Blaire?" one of them exclaimed.

"Yeah, I heard it was in Ethan Cromwell's bathroom, ew," another voice chimed in, eliciting hushed laughter from the group.

At the mention of Ethan, Blaire's eyes widened. That was Ethan's house? Oh shit.

During lunch, Blaire found herself sitting with Amber and a new face, Euphrasia Valerie Clarity. Euphrasia's mesmerizing beauty captivated Blaire, her enchanting ice blue eyes holding a depth that drew her in. Rumors circulated about Euphrasia's unique heritage, a mix of siren and vampire, making her irresistible to both genders and the most seducing woman in the school.

"So, I heard you're looking into the whole portal thing," Euphrasia casually mentioned, picking at her food. "You know it's very dangerous, right? And it hasn't been opened in centuries, but no one can tell you why. I've looked into every possible thing, but nothing mentions it. It's like somebody tried to erase it from existence, like throwing all the evidence into the Malivore pit or something," she laughed.

Caught off guard, Blaire looked up. "You know about it? I've been having dreams about it. Wait, how do you know I'm interested in it? Wait so does that mean the Malivore pit is real and isn't just some passed down story from our ancestors?"

Euphrasia smirked mischievously, a glimmer of intrigue in her eyes. "Let's just say, word gets around. Not sure if it is or isn't, but there's definitely proof that it was. And just FYI, see that girl over there?" She pointed to a girl with a long, sleek back ponytail and black eyes, wearing a boho outfit. "That's Wynona Gretchen, a mind-reading witch. She knows everything you're thinking, so watch out. And my family has been around for ages, acquiring knowledge about Celestial High's deepest secrets, so I guess I know a thing or two about certain things."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a group of unfamiliar girls who made their entrance. Blaire had never seen them before but could gather that their names were Mallery Ann Windsor, Cassandra Renee Cordelia, and Darla Nicole Langston. Mallery appeared to be a typical fairy, with a petite frame, tanned skin, long blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. Cassandra, also known as Cassie, possessed the majestic form of a dragon, boasting an hourglass body, beautiful hazelnut skin, black/purple goddess braids, and captivating purple eyes. Meanwhile, Darla stood out as a vampire, with a pear-shaped body, fair skin, black hair, and vibrant green eyes. All three of them served as minions under the notorious Amoura Lavigne. "Oh, look, newbie and mermaid bitch playing detective," Amoura sneered. "Trust me, babe, you're way out of your league. Quit trying to be Sherlock Holmes," she laughed. "Oh, and also, have you guys seen Seth? I wanted to see if he could give me a ride to the vamp dorm," she teased.

Euphrasia stood up, her demeanor shifting. "Why don't you focus on your own shit, Amoura? How about you tell your friend Cass here how you messed up with her boyfriend? This doesn't concern you." With a flick of her wrist, Euphrasia cast a spell, silencing Amoura's words and throwing her across the room. It worked due to Euphrasia's hybrid nature.

Tension hung in the air, but before anything else could be said, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. As the group dispersed, Euphrasia leaned in close to Blaire, whispering, "Meet me after school by the oak tree."

The rest of the day dragged on, Blaire's mind consumed by thoughts of her conversation with Euphrasia. There was something peculiar about her that she couldn't shake off.

After school, as promised, Euphrasia awaited Blaire by the old oak tree behind the gym. "Ready?" she asked, a playful smile gracing her lips.

Blaire nodded, her curiosity piqued. They walked in silence until they reached a secluded part of the forest surrounding the school. Euphrasia halted, turning to face Blaire with a serious expression.

"Before I show you, there's something you need to know. Opening the portal requires more than just power. It demands a connection to celestial energies. And from what I've observed, both you and Ethan possess that connection. Why? I haven't figured it out yet. But from what I think, you guys are some kind of gods in another realm. We've never been able to open this portal, but now that you're here... it's gradually becoming more responsive."

At the mention of Ethan, Blaire's heart skipped a beat. "What does Ethan have to do with all of this? gods? What the hell?"

Euphrasia inched closer, her voice lowering to a whisper. "You'll see. But first, there's something I've wanted to do since the moment I laid eyes on you."

Without warning, Euphrasia's hands found their way to Blaire's neck, and their lips met in a surprising kiss. The unexpected intimacy sent shivers down Blaire's spine. Pulling away, Euphrasia murmured, "Sorry, you're just too perfect."

Before Blaire could fully process the moment, Euphrasia directed her attention to a seemingly random spot in the woods. Chanting softly, she gestured for Blaire to approach. Focusing their energies, they cast the spell, and the outline of a portal began to materialize. Blaire's emotions swirled with a mix of guilt over the kiss and fluttering excitement. It was the most conflicting feeling she had experienced.

"Holy shit, we did it. No one has been able to open this portal in centuries. But we CANNOT go in it, not until we know exactly what's on the other side." They then close the portal carefully.

With Euphrasia's flirtatious warning echoing in her mind, Blaire knew one thing for sure: this was going to be far from a boring year.

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