three : tangled hearts

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Chapter 3: Tangled Hearts

The revelation of the portal and Euphrasia's unexpected kiss had set the stage for a tumultuous week at Celestial High. The corridors buzzed not just with the latest supernatural gossip but also with the palpable tension between Blaire and Seth. It seemed Seth had taken a liking to the company of Amoura and her coven, his flirtatious laughter echoing a bit too loudly whenever Blaire was within earshot.

"Seriously, what's up with Seth hanging around Amoura so much?" Amber mused as she and Blaire navigated through the crowded hallway. "I mean, isn't she, like, enemy number one?"

Blaire shrugged, her gaze fixed on the floor. "I don't know, maybe he's just... bored with me."

"Nah, that dude's got his head in the clouds. You're way out of his league anyway," Amber shot back with a supportive smile.

Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of Euphrasia, who seemed to glide rather than walk toward them. "Hey, Blaire," she greeted, her eyes locking onto Blaire's with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

"Hey," Blaire replied, her voice a little more breathless than she intended.

Euphrasia turned to Amber with a polite smile. "Mind if I steal her for a sec?"

Amber, sensing the tension, quickly excused herself, leaving Blaire alone with Euphrasia. "Listen, about the other day..." Blaire began, but Euphrasia raised a hand to stop her.

"I know you have a boyfriend, Blaire. And I'm not trying to mess things up for you. It's just... there's something about you. And it's not just because you're cute," Euphrasia said, her voice earnest.

Blaire felt a mix of guilt and excitement. "Euphrasia, I... I can't deny there's something between us. But Seth and I—"

Euphrasia leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Seth doesn't see you, not really. But I do. And the connection you have with Ethan... it's powerful. It could change everything."

The mention of Ethan brought a flood of emotions to Blaire. She knew Euphrasia was right; the pull she felt toward Ethan was undeniable, yet forbidden.

"I need to figure things out," Blaire admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'll be here when you do," Euphrasia replied, giving her a soft smile before walking away, leaving Blaire with more questions than answers.

As the day wore on, the strain between Blaire and Seth grew. His newfound interest in Amoura and her friends didn't go unnoticed, fueling rumors and whispers that followed Blaire like a shadow.

That afternoon, Blaire found herself engrossed in a book in the library, seeking solace from the chaos of her emotions. Ethan, always a familiar face in the library, approached her with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Blaire. Mind if I join you?" he asked, pulling up a chair next to her.

"Of course not," Blaire replied, grateful for the distraction.

They spent hours discussing books, dreams, and their shared love for adventure. Blaire couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and understanding with Ethan, a feeling she hadn't experienced with Seth in a long time.

Unbeknownst to Blaire, Seth had been watching their interaction from a distance, his face contorted with anger and jealousy. Seeing Blaire and Ethan enjoying each other's company seemed to fuel his controlling nature.

Later that day, Seth confronted Blaire in the hallway, his voice laced with anger. "What's the deal with you and Ethan? You're always hanging around him. Are you trying to replace me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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