Chapter 4 - Date

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Mike walked into the small cafe he was in earlier, looking around for a girl with a blue dress on. The place wasn't too big so he saw her within a few minutes, walking over and catching her attention.

"Hi! Sit down." She grinned, looking up at him, gesturing for him to sit down.

"You look pretty." Mike spoke softly as he sat down, El smiling and blushing softly.

El was absolutely stunning, she had on a soft blue summer dress, some white shoes and had a small bow in her hair and looked absolutely incredible. It was still hot for them in September so luckily she was able to wear stuff like that. She had on some silver rings, a necklace and a small bracelet, along with a small white handbag.

"Thank you, so do you." She smiled shyly as she looked down at her hands, playing with her rings nervously.

"Do you want to get a drink? We can talk about ourselves a little bit, get to know each other?" Mike offered, El smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, sure!" She nodded looking down at the small menu they had.

"Mm, I might get a lemonade, what about you?" She spoke softly as she looked down at the menu.

"Probably just a coke." He shrugged, putting down the menu and looking up at El.

"So. . . What do you like to do?" Mike asked, El looking up at him and pausing for a moment.

"Well, I love anything to do with clothes and fashion, so lately I've been designing my own clothes, I made the dress that I'm wearing right now." She told him, Mike's eyes widening.

"You made that? It's incredible, that's so cool, what!" He spoke, genuinely shocked and impressed, El smiling and giggling softly.

"I've been practicing and I wanted to show it off." She joked, "What do you like doing? Have you got any hidden talents I should know about?"

"Well, I love playing the guitar. It's my most favorite thing to do and I've gotten quite good at it." He grinned.

"Seriously? Ugh, I've always wanted to be able to play an instrument but I've never been able to! Have you got any videos of you playing or anything?" She asked.

"I don't, I'm sorry, I don't really record myself playing." Mike sighed.

"No, it's okay, I was only wondering." She smiled

"What have you been playing recently?" She asked him, Mike pausing and thinking for a moment.

"Well, I absolutely adore 80's music and my favourite band is The Pixies so normally I'll play a song made by them, but I do play other stuff, again mainly 80's types of music." He told her.

"Oh, cool! My twin brother absolutely adores 80's music, you both would get along really well. He loves the guitar too, though he's never been able to play it he always finds it super cool when people can play the guitar." She grinned.

"Oh, seriously? You might have to introduce us." He joked, El scoffing and laughing softly.

"Slow down, it's only the first date." She scoffed, Mike chuckling and rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, so you're roomates with Dustin? Has he introduced you to our other best friend or anything?" Mike asked, El shaking her head.

"I have heard stuff about you and your other friend but I've never actually met him. In fact, I'm pretty sure my best friend is roomates with him. Her name is Max, so if he ever mentions his roomate you should see if I'm right." She told him.

"Hmm, I might ask him tonight. I haven't spoken to my roomate much, we went out for a small walk around the place but that was it, he seems sweet enough though." He shrugged.

"Oh, thats a shame, you should try and get to know him better, he's probably super cool once you get to know him." She sighed.

"Yeah, I might, we just seem to be very different. He seems very quiet but I'm a very loud person, I absolutely love being loud." He told her, a small giggle escaping her throat.

El opened her mouth to say something before getting cut off by her phone getting a notification, making her look down. She looked down at her phone and saw a text from Joyce, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"I'm so sorry, I've promised my mum that I'd call her tonight, she wanted to know how I was doing and how college was going. Is it okay if we head back? Sorry, I know this wasn't the longest date ever." She sighed.

"No, no, it's okay, I understand. My mum's called me about ten times in the few days I've been here, I get it. I can walk you back if you'd like?" Mike offered, El smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, thank you." She smiled, the two getting up and and beginning to walk back to college.

"This place is absolutely gorgeous. Look at all the lights." El spoke softly, pointing to all of the fairy lights that were hung up around the place.

"I know." Mike smiled softly, his voice gentle as he looked up at where she was pointing.

The two continued to walk back to the college slowly, talking about anything they could think of, El gently connecting their hands as they entered the campus.

"Would you wanna meet up again some time? I've had fun tonight, I wanna see you more." Mike spoke softly, El looking up at him.

"Yeah! Yeah, of course!" El grinned, Mike laughing and smiling softly.

"Okay, I'll text you tomorrow, yeah?" He told her, El smiling and nodding.

They reached El's dorm which ended up not being too far from Mike's, and Mike walked her over to her dorm.

"I'll see you soon?" He made sure, looking down at her.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon." She smiled softly, nodding and giving his cheek a soft kiss.

She gave him a shy smile before walking into her dorm, Mike giving her a small wave, shocked that she had kissed him. As he began walking back to his dorm, a smile formed on his face as he realized she had just kissed hm.

He walked into his door and went to go to his room before noticing Will lay down asleep on the couch, pausing for a moment before walking over to him and gently picking him up, lifting him over to his room and laying him down in bed. Will woke up as Mike was laying him down in bed, frowning and rubbing his eyes.

"Wh-. . ?" He frowned, his voice quiet as he was waking up.

"Go back to sleep, it's okay." Mike spoke softly, Will nodding and closing his eyes again, instantly drifting back off to sleep.

Mike let out a soft chuckle and let him sleep, leaving the room and going back to his own, quickly slipping out of his clothes and pulling on a random pair of shorts and laying down in bed. He got into bed, stark up at his ceiling with a stupid grin on his face.

El has kissed him. She liked him. She wanted to go on another date with him.

He grinned and turned onto his side, closing his eyes and thinking about his day and how good it had gone. He fell asleep quite soon after laying down, kind of tired after his day out.

{Word Count: 1244}

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