you look like a stripper

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Chapter 4

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She sounded pissed, frustrated- like he liked it.

"Shit" he muttured tiredly "Where do I start?"

"You cannot say that to me Ross." she spoke, still in a much serious tone.

"Why?" he questioned "What are you so scared of?"

"You know that's not what this is about." she sighted.

"What's it about.. Laur?" he muttured "Not like you're with someone, so what's the trouble?"

He expected a quick response, but instead, was met with silence.

A silence that made him uncomfortable, because, she didn't even need to say it.

He knew.

"Who is he?"

Usually, their relationship was quite flirty, but if was all in light fun and jokes. Especially when it came to him and his comments- and he made plenty.

But there was a boundary to those.

And that was either of them being in a different relationship.. which changed things.

He was understanding, of course, as was she.. but it did make them act in a certain way, and that.. well he wasn't a fan of.

"He was in my band on tour." she explained in a small voice "We went out a bit after tour. It's only been two months so it's not so serious, but-"

"I get it." he licked his lips "I'll stop if you want me to, but what's his name?"

"Do you need to know it?" she questioned, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

What was the harm in it?

"Yes. How else will I deem him worthy?" he questioned, back to teasing her.

She was smiling at the other end of that line, but he didn't know that just yet "Has that ever been on you?"

"It should be. If someone breaks your heart again, I'm ruining their life and I don't say that lightly. Never liked that Thomas dude."

She huffed at that, and he raised an eyebrow "What?"

"Oh no.. nothing."

She was just thinking of the fact that he was right on that list.. actually, those accidental heartbreaks he caused her at the time.. might have been some of the worst ones she'd had to deal with.

Yes, her break up with Thomas caused her heart to feel empty, but with Ross? He was a lot of her firsts when it came to love and that.. well.. had consequences she still shivered at the thought of.

It was stupid.. how enamored she'd been with him. Now, she saw him for who he was.

"Say it." he ordered.

"His name's Ross" she let him know.

His eyebrows furrowed for a second, before a smile spread to his lips "Good one Laur. You fucking got me."

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