eyes of a fawn

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Chapter 5

Later on that day, as promised, the cast was given permission to end their workday early, so they could go out as a group.

Since a lot of them didn't have actual good outfits when they came to set that day (aka, they showed up in casual wear), a lot of them had to go back home to get ready, before meeting again.

Ross simply just went home to get a meal in, and relax, before going out again.

"What's for dinner?" he questioned his mom.

"Lasagna." Stormie pointed at the kitchen from the couch "Go get you some while it's warm. So glad you came a little early today."

"Thanks mom." he nodded "I am leaving again though."

"You going out?" Ryland immediately questioned, wanting to jump on that opportunity.

Him and Rocky had showed up an hour ago to hang out, and would be leaving tomorrow again.

"Cast hang out. Exclusive." Ross smirked at him.

He rolled his eyes, going back to his phone.

"Where are you guys going?" Stormie raised her eyebrows.

"At a bar I've been before." Ross shrugged "Should be fun."

"Ah that's so exciting! Is the whole cast coming?" she questioned, wanting more information.

Knowing his mom would have even more extra questions, he sat down on the couch, accepting his fate.

"Just the main cast." he explained "Bonding experience and shit. Director's rules."

"I see." she narrows her eyes "So is Laura going to be there too?"

"I sent her the location so if she doesn't get lost, yes mom." Ross nodded, rolling his eyes.

"Oh but what is it like to work together again? Are you guys like hanging out all the time? What about the acting part?" she threw a bunch of questions at once.

"It's tight." Ross shrugs "We hang out yeah, obviously. She's handling the role pretty well for now. You'll see it once it comes out."

"But that's like.. years away!" she complains.

"Just one year mom." he laughs "Probably."

"Oh how I wonder what you guys are doing all day." she makes a thinking face "You know I've seen a lot of edits of you two together since the announcement. It's wonderful to look back on your friendship. Everyone seems very excited."

The wholesome smile on his mom's face made him smile too.. well up until..

"Excited to see 'em fuck." Ryland called out.

"Ryland Michael!" Stormie scolded him like he was twelve.

Ross snorted "Yeah that'll be fun too."

Rocky and Ryland hooted at him teasingly as he shook his head, walking away into the kitchen to get his lasagna.

He wasn't going to lie- he'd always had a little thing for that brunette. Maybe it was because she was always there.. throughout everything, she was the only constant in his life.

He wasn't sure, but either way, he could recognize she was a talented little thing, and the best of friend he could ask for. Honestly.. for now? He was completely satisfied with that, despite any comments he made to her.

Those were mostly just him playing around with her.. for fun.

He decided on a pair of ripped jeans, with a white shirt and his leather jacket, and threw them on, before heading out.

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