3 - Lost in the Darkness

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

Henry's eyes struggle open, the right side of his face numb with the cold, a flashlight beam pointed into his retinas. Everything outside the beam is pitch black. His body feels weak, almost like a hangover. The freezing air doesn't help make him feel any better as he weakly reaches out to the light.

He holds it firmly, looking around with the beam he finds himself somewhere strange. A forest. Snow-caked and frozen he's in the middle of nowhere, a helicopter is in pieces beside him. Its blades have been snapped clean in half, and the body of what looks to be the pilot is splayed out on the top of the wreckage, blood dripping down onto a rock. Drip. Drip. Drip.

The snow coating the floor isn't thick, three inches isn't unbearable. But it's likely much deeper, the rest of the snow must be packed so tightly it functions as a solid floor. He cracks his neck, looking on the floor he finds a box with PI written on it. Doesn't look like it's something he's supposed to find. Upon opening it he finds an array of things.

There's his knife—which he pockets, his lighter, some change from his smokes, must he all the things that were in his pockets. But it's not just his things, there's a wallet belonging to someone named Ethan, he looks normal. There's nothing besides some cash, a few cards, and his license in it. He finds some gloves, but the most jarring thing is a small stuffed giraffe. He recognizes it, it's Rose's.

Henry's worry ramps up by ten, eyes darting all over the floor covered in shit that flew out of the helicopter. He picks up a small notepad, flipping open the journal in a panic to see if he can find any information. It's labeled with the BSAA logo. Chris. Figures. He finds a few entries, one is a list of TV shows to watch, some random doodles, and then something far more important.






Is Leon here? Rose? What's happening? Where are they? Were they in that wreck? Who the hell is Ethan? Why is the BSAA doing this? Henry's mind is flooded with a hundred thoughts as he looks at the downed helicopter more carefully. It was a carrier helicopter with a compartment in the body, the outside of the body is labeled with 1. Leon should be in another one, he's not here. But whoever Ethan is, should be here.

The wind begins to pick up, Henry covers his face as he slips on the gloves and looks around some more. There are a few bodies strewn about and there are footprints that lead into the deep woods in a horribly concerning fashion. Upon closer inspection of the bodies, they're BSAA agents, the same ones that abducted him. Was this planned? Or did the helicopter crash accidentally? Was it knocked down by something else?

Henry then hears a groan, his flashlight flicking to a man who isn't in uniform. Instead a coat and jeans. Much like himself but he's blonde, similar to Leon. However, Leon wouldn't cut his hair like that, or wear a big tan coat. Leon never wore a coat. Never. Always hoodies. Except in Spain, Henry doesn't even know where that coat came from. He walks over to the man, using his shoe to roll him over, the stranger looks up hazily. It's Ethan.
"Who are you?" Henry demands an answer, placing his shoe on Ethan's throat. Which wakes him up immediately. The man gasps for air, Henry lifts his foot a bit so he can't speak.

"W-who are you?" Ethan mumbles, unable to breathe.
"Answer my fucking question!" Henry takes out his knife, holding it threateningly close to the blonde man's head. He seems too scared, or too disoriented to say anything. He just stares with wide, confused eyes. "Is your name Ethan?"
"N-No." He lies, seeming to gain his footing verbally.
"Yes it is," Henry says as he takes a deep breath, this Ethan guy seems to be in the same situation he is. Fucker's just as lost and confused, "How'd you get here?"

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