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"do you believe in love?" he mumbled after a few minutes.

"i know love is real cuz i exist, and i'm full of it." i said wondering for a second.

"you might not see her suffer like she made you suffer but truss me, her biggest punishment is who she is." i said referring to what he said earlier.

"i think you're right ava." he responded hugging me on the side.

"i know i am, sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision, so now you know she was not worth any of your time."

"but now i feel like i'm worthless." i hugged him tighter hearing this words escape his mouth.

"you are still worth of love gus, even after some people made u feel like you're not." i said quietly into his neck.

"i don't want to love ever again, i can't let myself go through this once again, i would be dead."

"some people are worth letting go while others are worth holding on to, you just need to let them. i hope you find the wisdom to choose what's best for your heart."

we sat in long silence wondering about what we just talked about until i broke it.

"i should get going gus, it's 3am and i have work tomorrow." i stood up picking my bag from the ground.

"will i ever see you again?" he asked looking up at me.

i'm not sure if his eyes were watering but maybe the light was just reflecting that way.

"it's up to you."

i gave him my number and just like that i was slowly walking away from him. what a crazy night.

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