Episode 5

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At last, Beerus, Whis, and Shandy has arrived on King Kai's Planet.

Goku:Wow, so that's
Beerus the Destroyer, huh? He definitely looks strong. But it's weird,
I can't sense any energy. Without my eyes, I wouldn't even know he was here! Ah, man, this is so cool. I'm really excited!

(King Kai speaks to Goku inside his mind using telepathy)

*King Kai:Keep your voice down, Goku. You're not supposed to let him find you!*

King Kai:Oh, Lord Beerus,
what a pleasant surprise.
Welcome to my humble abode. I appreciate you coming all this way to see me.

(Shandy peaks out from behind Whis he waves towards King Kai)

Shandy:Hi there, King Kai!

King Kai:Lord Shandy!....nice to see you here as well

(KIng Kai calms down a little)

Beerus:It's been quite a long time,
hasn't it, North Kai?

(Goku was surprised)

Goku:What? That's Beerus?

Beerus:How many years
has it been, exactly?

King Kai:Oh, uh, let's see here. One, two, three-four,five, six, seven, uh--

Whis:Three hundred twenty-seven
Universal Standard years.

King Kai:Oh! I was counting to the
exact month and day, but if you're fine with
rounding, yeah, 327. I knew that like a minute ago.

Beerus:I'm sure

Shandy:Sheesh King Kai, you don't have to be so nervous, you know?

King Kai:N-Nervous? I'm not nervous, Lord Shandy

Beerus:You know, I'd forgotten just how tiny
this planet is now.

King Kai: Well, I like to call
it is cozy and easy to clean, but, of course
you're right, lord. Please excuse the
cramped accommodations. But I definitely
want to make you feel comfy. Can I offer you something to eat or drink?

Beerus:Perhaps is it something good?

King Kai:O-oh, absolutely nothing, but the most delicious for us deities, right?

Goku:Something delicious?
Where's he's hiding it? If I'd known that, then I would've eaten it already.

Beerus:Intriguing. Though you'd better hope
you're not overselling it, North Kai. Or this time I'll make your world even smaller.
Maybe the size of that shed

(King Kai panics and was extremely nervous)

(Shandy groans)
Shandy:Dad, do you have to threaten everyone you meet? Because it's getting rather old.

Beerus:Well, Shandy, as a Destroyer, I must establish my presence everywhere I go.

Shandy:*In a mocking tone* Oh, forgive me your lordship. may I offer you a ball of yarn for you to play with?

(Beerus gets ticked off)
Beerus:Shandy.... don't be such a sassy brat right now.

(Shandy rolls his eyes)

Shandy:*mumbles* Your one to talk

Beerus:What was that?

Shandy:Oh, nothing important....father

(King Kai then speaks up)

King Kai:Lord Beerus, what is the reason
for your visit, if I may ask?

Beerus:Well. There's a small matter
I'd like to discuss with that Saiyan
you're harboring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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