Chapter 7

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The next few days had flown by in a rush, my days filled with little David and having so much fun with him. He didn't like learning much, but we had come to a deal. Anytime he lets me teach him something, then I let him have ice-cream in secret. 

But I hadn't seen Barnabus in the last few days since I was so busy with David. I hadn't expected to miss someone that I shared a home with, but I did, and it shocked me. I had asked miss Collins if she had seen him, but she kept telling me no and so I left her alone.

My mind raced back to our previous encounter and my face flushed red as I realized I must've made him uncomfortable that night. Sighing, I walk outside and to the swing that overlooked the ocean and town of Collinswood. Fresh air would do me good, clear my head. What had I been thinking? That's why he must've been staying away. I made him uncomfortable. 

The thought made me sad because I had believed us to have become friends in this short period of me staying here. I had ruined it now... 

I moved around, laying my legs on the swing and resting my head against the chains that held it up, just trying to relax. But my relaxation hadn't been long as after a moment, I felt the swing move and the sudden movement startled me.

"Ah!" I gasped, opening my eyes and turning to see who had joined me. It was Barnabus.

"Oh, I am sorry, my lady. Did I disturb you?" Barnabus asked, not moving and backed away some. I took a deep breath and moved my legs, giving him room to sit. "No, you didn't Barnabus. Come sit." I said with a soft smile and pat the spot beside me.

Barnabus smiled and nodded, sitting down beside me as he laid his walking cane against the swing. "How have you been, miss Ivy? We haven't talked in a few days." 

My face flushed once more, feeling bad again. "I know, and I'm sorry. I've been so busy with little David, trying to get him to learn something, anything." I said, laughing a little. Barnabus smiled, finding it amusing. "He reminds me of me when I was young. Never wanting to do schoolwork and just play all day." He said, his face soft as if he was remembering his childhood. 

"Well, he admires you, you know? Always wanting to know if he can come hangout with you." I said, wanting him to know. Another smile grew on his face, but he didn't say anything. He cared for little David, more than his father ever did and it saddened me. But at least he had someone there for him.

Unlike me...

"I'm glad to hear that, miss Ivy. He is a good lad." Barnabus spoke, his voice soft and leaned back making the swing move a little. The movement caught me off guard and I accidently bumped into him, my head falling onto his shoulder. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I explained, not wanting him to feel more uncomfortable around me.

Barnabus just smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine, miss Ivy, I assure you." He said, placing his hand on mine to reassure me. The touch had me frozen for a second, it making my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but look at him when he touched my hand, our eyes locking and not looking away. 

My heart raced and butterflies filled my stomach, making me feel so nervous. Was this it? Was he going to kiss me right now? Barnabus gently grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, still not looking away as he did. My face went deep red, my eyes darting down to escape his gaze. Soon I had found myself looking at him again and his finger under my chin. 

Our eyes locked once more and I moved closer, my breathing quickened. This was going to happen! My first kiss! 

Barnabus got closer, his hand gently resting on my cheek. Our eyes closed as his lips got closer to mine. And as he was about to kiss me-- "Ivy!? Have you seen David!?" Miss Collins called out suddenly, making me jump back from Barnabus. "No, Miss Collins! Need my help to find him?" I asked, not looking at Barnabus since my face was hot from almost getting kissed. 

"Please?? I need to talk to him, and he has hidden from me." Miss Collins said before disappearing back inside the manor. I sighed and got up from the swing, Barnabus following me with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry for that, but I have to go now. See you later?" I asked, still blushing as we looked at each other. 

Barnabus nodded and grabbed his cane, "Have a good day, Miss Ivy." He said, grabbing my hand with his free one, kissing my knuckles before letting go and heading inside himself. I stood there for a moment, thinking about what just happened. A smile rushed to my face as I thought about almost kissing Barnabus and how much I wanted to. Hmm... maybe another day.

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