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S:2 E:13

Last week was good. I won my division and so did Maddie. And our trio won. But the group dance didn't even place, but at least we got invited to the Joffrey Ballet

This week we are in New York for the Joffrey thing

"Come on, ladies! Let's go!" Abby says as we line up


"Now, on with the pyramid. On the bottom of the pyramid... is Paige. Did you correct the arms? Yes. Did you put the phone away? no" Abby says

" She gets no credit for doing her back tuck or her press or.." Kelly says

"Credit?" Abby says then start clapping

"It's her phone" Kelly says.

"Next, Mackenzie. You can improv if you're early on the music in a solo. But when you do it in the trio, and you don't tell the other two partners to do it ahead of time, you made them look like idiots cause you were out there, whoo, shaking it up. Understood?" Abby says

"Next, Chloe. Time to face the music. Forgot your routine. You're not seven anymore. You're 10 years old. You can't make up your own thing and wait to get back onto the music 135 of the dances are doing the right thing Doing the right thing. That's a pink slip. That's the unemployment one. Understood?"

Chloe nods

"Next, Nia. You hurt your foot you work through it. It all worked out. However, is the technique. It's up to you. Do you want to fix it? Do you want to make it better? Then you will. Understood?"

Nia Nods

"Next, we have Brooke. Brooke, you did what you needed to do, but I want to see more from you"

"Next, Maci. You did it. You won your division, you looked fantastic doing your solo" Abby says

I smile

"And back on top of the pyramid, is Maddie. Our challenge you to keep winning your solos because you pick up quickly"

 Our challenge you to keep winning your solos because you pick up quickly"

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The pyramid

I won too. And also I beat Maddie the week before last, but Maddie deserves to be on top of the pyramid I guess. I mean she did do fabulous

"I want to talk about after the competition. The scout from the Joffrey ballet school School came to our dressing room. They chose the Abby Lee dance Company" Abby says

" they're going to look at the feet, turn out, body lines. Everything you've learned up until this point is gonna come to play in this audition. You guys need to fight for this. We have to work on a ballet combination today. We have to work on a short presentation for each one of you do when you go into the audition. I'm shocked at the way you dressed...."

Maci Ziegler Where stories live. Discover now