he doesn't deserve her

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Sine sighed, today was a extremely long day. It felt even longer than his least favorite class, Algebra. It was whatever, class ended in about 15 minutes so all he had to do was wait. He glanced at the clock a few moments later and furrowed his eyebrows in distain, the long hand of the cheaply made clock didn't move an inch. What was he even to do? Actually pay attention to the teacher yapping about some small country he never heard of and the names of the rivers surrounding it??? As if! Sine was far from a nerd and he would never stoop down that low just because he was bored. He should probably practice drawing up a few more designs for tattoos, he was currently learning from the greatest tattoo master in town and he should probably put in more effort.

Suddenly his phone vibrated against his leg in his pocket. Sine looked up from his notebook, and quickly positioned his computer so the teacher wouldn't notice his phone. What can he say? He has a few tricks up his sleeve. It was fine anyways as he was closer to the back. Pulling out the phone from out of his pocket, he noticed that the notification that triggered a vibration from his phone was Cosine posting on instagram. 

He quickly put in the password, ringed fingers flying over the bright numbers displayed on the phone screen. After getting it wrong a few times it finally unlocked and he pressed on the purple and yellow camera logo. It was a picture. Cosine looked stunning as usual, the ends of the pink bow in her hair flowing in motion. She was smiling and making a peace sign at the camera, her cheeks rosy with joy. Her other hand was reaching towards another person, a taller man. Immersed in his phone he payed her no mind, one hand out to shove her away. it was Arctangent.... oh how Sine hated Arctangent...

Words couldn't even describe the hatred he held towards the lanky male. Sine tightened his grip on his phone displaying the innocent instagram post. How could a horrid person like that ever end up with such a kindhearted person like Cosine? Arctangent was the devil. He had no good relationships, always yelled at everyone and acted like he was in charge. Worst of all he acted the same to Cosine, always pushing her to go on diets and change her appearance  when she was already the most beautiful person in the world as is. He would call her names, and restrict her from going to certain places, claiming that he was the man and thus in charge. Sine couldn't understand why Cosine stayed with such a idiot douchebag like him, and always kept on a smile for everyone else. Outsiders never realized how bad the relationship was between the two, as they always saw Cosine beaming as usual, making everyone's day. But Sine knew. Oh but Sine knew too much, to the point that sometimes he wishes he never found out the details of their relationship. So he has to stop this, he will not let a person as pure as Cosine be treated as the equivalent of a human trash bag.

"SINE!!!!" The teacher yelled, raising his voice in an annoyed manner.

Sine lazily looked up from his phone, making eye contact with the furious teacher. He blinked twice before looking back at his phone to take in another glance at Cosine. Clearly, this did not please the teacher one bit as he rubbed his temple and noisily dropped his pointer stick on the desk, trotting over to Sine's desk. After he pushed through the sea of desks, he snatched Sine's phone from out of his hands and closed his computer.


"Pay attention to my lesson Sine, or else I will have no choice but to give you yet another detention" The teacher warned, pointing the confiscated phone at the irritated teen.

"Alright mr. Zuchinni " Sine grumbled, shoving his tattooed hands into to pockets of his baggy jeans.

The rest of class was as boring as Sine expected, but alas the clock's big hand finally moved to the 12. He stood up and grabbed his rugged backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. Brushing his hair away from his face he reached for his confiscated phone, his hand being slapped away by the teacher.

"Up up up, you can get your phone back at the end of class" Mr. Zuchinni announced, wiggling his finger mischievously in front of Sine's face.

Shooting his teacher a look of disrespect Sine walked out the classroom door with a sour expression on his face. He thought he was sneaky enough to get away with it this time! Why was he always so unlucky? Its fine, its whatever, he still has his computer so he can still do everything that he needs to do. Its just a mild inconvenience, thats all.

Once he stepped out from the science building, he was greeted with the burning light from the sun and the blinding light of Cosine's beauty. Cosine smiled at him, and handed him a small box. Inside the box there was a perfectly golden brown croissant topped with powdered sugar.

"Thank you, this looks beautiful Cosine. You really shouldn't, you're spoiling me too much"

Cosine giggled, before noticing the slight bit of flour still left on the corner of her skirt and brushing it off. "Its really no biggie, besides, It lets my mistakes not go to waste!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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