028. In person

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real life

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real life.


Sloane opens the door for us and we walk through, me making sure to wink and blow her a kiss. She cringed and moved away from me, earning a laugh from me. "What? What happened?" Hanna asks, looking between the three of us. Neither of us said anything making her whine. "Fine! I'll go find other friends who will fill me in on the funny stuff." Hanna crossed her arms and walked away from us.

I laugh and grab kimora's hand to go get us a seat. A man smiled at us. "Helloo pretty ladies, what brings y'all here?" The man asks as he straightens his posture. Kimora pushes me forward and puts on a fake smile, having me whip my head towards her then back at the man and smile. "Uh can we get a table for five." I awkwardly look anywhere but at him.

"Huh? Five? But I only saw bout 4 of you come in here together?" The man asks, squinting his eyes at us and gripping his hands around the book. Kimora gulps before finally speaking up. "Yeah well my strong, buff, muscular, black — did I say strong already? Anyways yeah my strong husband will be coming later on." She rambles, sounding scared as hell.

"Well okay! Teehee Let me just guide y'all to this amazing table in the corner." He creepily states and tells us to follow him. I look for Hanna and Sloane, just to see them talking near a plant. I yell out for them and they look at me then start walking. We go to the table and take a seat. "Your waiter should come soon." The man bent down to get closer to my face, his breath smelling like garlic.

Sloane pulls me back. "Yeah alright bud. Get back to what you're supposed to be doing." Sloane sternly says to the man as she stares him down. He flinched and sprinted back to where he was. We sat there for a few minutes before a waiter named Brandon came and took our order. He wasn't weird like the last guy, thank goodness.

All four of us talked about anything that came to mind, most of it being gossip about random people at our school. Hanna stares at me, making me raise an eyebrow. She didn't say anything but moved her head towards a table behind us. When I went to turn around, a guy was staring at us. He quickly looked away when I looked at him.

Kimora and Sloane look at me with curiosity on their faces. "What was that?" They both ask at the same time. I pull my head back towards them and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, Hanna pointed him out." Kimora looks at him and lets out a giggle. "Ouu girl if you don't want him, pass him over." She bites her lip. Sloane lets out a scoff and shakes her back as forth. I laugh at her reaction. "Yeah you got that Kimora. I'm happily married."

"Happily married to a girl you've never met before." Sloane's hating ass said as she took a sip from her drink. Kimora and Hanna both pop her. "Who caresss! Let them have fun. Like who knows — maybe they'll meet soon." Kimora takes up for me, earning a thankful smile from me.

A few more minutes of us going back and forth until the same boy that was staring at us came over here. "Hey uhm you think I can get your number." He looked down, avoiding eye contact with any of us. Obviously we were confused since there's four of us and he wasn't exactly telling us who he was asking. "Uhm which one of us are you talking to?" Kimora leans forward.

The boy looks at me and to be honest I let out a small sigh. He nodded his head at me and the three other girls looked at me. "Oh! erm i'm sorry but I have a girlfriend." I cross my arms over my chest and look away from him. The boy nodded his head and kept looking at me for a while. Eventually he turned around and walked back to his table, the boys he was with started yelling and patting his back.

Hanna started conversation again, trying to ignore the awkward tension. I was trying not to look at the boy but his eyes just wouldn't move from me. I grab my phone to distract me from the random boy staring at me until paige's contact picture shows up, signaling that she was trying to facetime me.

I press the answer button and prop it up so that she can see me. "Hey baby." I hear on the other side of the phone. The phone only showing her face and the ceiling. The girls turn to look at me but I ignored them and focus on Paige. "Hii paige." I reply back. Paige knitted her eyebrows together as she observed my outfit and background. "Where you at?" She asks, making me smile.

I open my mouth to speak before letting out a laugh. Once I stopped laughing, I answered her. "I'm out with a few friends to celebrate us graduating." Paige watched me intensely and nods her head. I heard a door shut and now she was outside. I could tell she was walking for a few seconds before she looks at the phone.

"Mmm. You having fun?" Paige says as I hear a car start in the background. Her voice made me bite my lip and look anywhere but at her. I snap a few pictures of her, making her smack her lips. "Yeah — kinda wish you were here though." I tell her and take a bite of my food. Paige lets out a laugh, now in the car and driving. I raise my eyebrow at her. "Where you going?"

She rolls her eyes and starts to focus on driving. "I'm going to get something for kk." Hearing the name kk come out of her mouth made me squeal. "Oh my god! Where's kk, I miss her." I happily said. Paige's eyes immediately went to me and she smacked her lips. "Bro Nailea. Stop playing with me."

I smile and turn away from the phone, trying not to show her how giggly that made me. "I'm playing. You know you the only one I want." I smirk at her and blow a kiss. Paige smiles at that and nods her head. Neither of us said anything and just enjoyed the silence. I heard the car stop and saw her get out of the car, only showing her face and the sky again.

I'm pretty sure she was on mute but that's cool. "Ohhh my god! I got something to tell you but like not right now — over the phone." I say, remembering some drama I heard earlier. "Really? Well you can tell me in real life." I turn to face the voice that i'd recognize, seeing Paige. I stare at her for a minute before jumping out of my seat and running into her arms.

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