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(Location: Marvel Earth-616)

Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, stands alongside Jean Grey, who holds a baby in her arms. They are in front of the Krakoa portal, which emits a pulsating green light. The sky above is dark, ominous clouds swirling as the world faces its end.

 The sky above is dark, ominous clouds swirling as the world faces its end

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Jean Grey: Scott, what should we name our baby?

Scott Summers: How about Zack?

Jean's eyes light up with joy at the suggestion, but then her expression quickly shifts to sadness as the reality of their situation sinks in. Tears well up in her eyes.

Jean Grey: That's perfect, Scott. But... but I can't bear the thought of Zack growing up in a world about to be destroyed.

Scott wraps his arm around Jean, offering what comfort he can in the face of impending doom.

Scott Summers: I know, Jean. It's hard for me too. But we have to do what's best for him.

With resolve in his voice, Scott turns towards Krakoa, the living island, its form shifting and pulsating with energy.

Scott Summers: Krakoa we need your help!!

The sentient island, Krakoa, responds, its presence looming large and comforting in the background.

The sentient island, Krakoa, responds, its presence looming large and comforting in the background

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Krakoa: I am listening, Cyclops?

With a heavy heart, Scott speaks, his voice echoing with resolve.

Cyclops: Send our son... send Zack to another universe, where he can be safe.

Krakoa responds to Scottss' call, its expression unreadable yet somehow understanding. It agrees to the request.

Jean holds Zack tightly, tears streaming down her face, as Scott looks on with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

Scott Summers: It's time, Jean.

With a final glance at their son, Jean reluctantly nods, her heart heavy with the weight of their decision then Scott put a small name tag on the baby.

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