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The circus grounds were buzzing with activity. Colorful tents, the scent of popcorn, and the sounds of laughter and excitement filled the air. A group of children played near the edge of the main tent, their laughter echoing through the grounds.

Among them were two seven-year-olds: Richard John Grayson, a lithe boy with a mop of dark hair and bright eyes, and Zack Summers, a kid with a shock of magenta hair and a mischievous grin. They were running around, chasing each other in a game of tag.

Zack: (laughing) You'll never catch me, Dick!

Richard: Oh yeah? Just watch!

As Richard lunged forward to tag Zack, his parents, John and Mary Grayson, emerged from the nearby trailer. Both were dressed in their acrobat costumes, preparing for their performance later that evening.

Mary: (calling out) Richard! Zack! Be careful, you two! No running too close to the tent poles!

John: And no climbing anything! We don't need any broken bones before the show!

The boys skidded to a halt, looking up at the Graysons with guilty smiles.

Richard: (sheepishly) Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Dad.

Zack: We'll be careful!

Mary shook her head with a fond smile while John chuckled.

Mary: (softening) Just remember, the circus can be a dangerous place if you're not careful.

John: (winking) And save some energy for the show tonight. We might need a couple of extra hands to help out.

The boys nodded enthusiastically, their eyes shining with excitement.

Richard: We will! Promise!

As soon as John and Mary turned their backs, Richard and Zack resumed their play, albeit a bit more cautiously. They ducked behind a stack of crates, trying to stifle their laughter.

Zack: (whispering) Think they saw us?

Richard: (grinning) Nah, we're in the clear. Just don't knock anything over.

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