The North

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Rhaella age 7 :

It has been been 3 years since I have seen my family, mother said that she can not come visit me because father is too sick to come and she must stay to tend to him. They all raven me constantly but it is not the same as seeing them. The Starks have made me feel at home, the three brothers train with me. Ever the over protective brothers but they just are not Aemon or Aegon. Being away from Aemond is torture he is my other half.

"Come on Rhaella hurry up, Septa will be so mad I made you late for your lessons." Cregan said I turn to him and laugh

" It is okay I can always just tell her that your Father needed to speak to me, Come lets skip my lessons we can go to The Godswood, Aemon has written to me again. I know how much you love to hear about the latest gossip of Kings landing" I say dragging him toward Godswood.

"I do love hearing all about it but you know how disappointed Father will be if you skip again and you know how he will lecture me for dragging you away." Cregan remarked. Approaching the Weirtree the duo sat underneath it.

"I do not understand why I must learn such trivial things like sewing, I would much rather be in the training field with you and your brother training for battle. It is not like I will be Queen, plus if I must learn history that is what libraries are for. We have so many books on history back in kingslanding and my father loves to drone on and on about the history of the realm." I countered

"You know your mother would say that training grounds are no place for a lady same with a battle field." He shot back

" I know but one day I wish to ride Bluefyre into battle and win and one day I will I know it, I can feel it in my bones" I said excitedly

"One day you will and I will be right beside you. I will always be on your side Rhaella you are my sister." Cregan said smiling.

Rhaella Age 11:

After dinner the boys and I headed ack to my chambers, it became a part of our routine to go to one of our chamber and talk for a couple of hours. We would talk about our day and spend the night joking until we fell asleep surrounded by blankets and each other. Despite our age difference throughout the years the boys and I grew quite close, they became brothers to me. Although they were not by blood they were my brother in all the ways that mattered. I sat on the couch with a blanket watching the boys sitting on a rug in front of the fire place discussing ways to improve their performance when training.

"Has your family written to you this month Rhaella?" Brandon questioned

"Oh Gods you just reminded me, Aemond and Aegon ravened to me this morning." I said jumping off the couch. I walked over to the table next to my bed and grabbed both letters. I had made it a habit to share my letters with the boys, it was always something that we had enjoyed, hearing about what I was missing in kings landing.

Dear Rhaella,

I have missed you dearly, Mother and Aegon as well. I know mother has stopped writing you as frequently but she has been taking care of father a lot more, his health has been declining quite rapidly. The other day Aegon and Rhaenyras children played a cruel prank on me, Mother was furious. Mother begged father to punish them but to no avail. It happened during our dragon lessons they told me they found me a dragon and then they brought out a pig, they named it 'the pink dread". Mother told me she believes that I will have a dragon one day but I am not so sure.

Also Rhaenyra gave birth again, Another son he looks much like his older brothers. Not that that is surprising they must have very strong genes. Ser Harwin and Ser Criston got into a fight in the training yard and Ser Harwin was sent away, Mother told me that upon reaching Harrenhal there was a fire and Ser Harwin and Lord Lyonel did not make it. Uncle Daemons wife also passed Mother said that we are to go to Driftmark to attend her funeral. I hope to see you there, though I know it is not likely but I have hope.  I heard that Vhagar is now left with out a rider I plan to claim her, I hope that you are there to see me claim her that way we can both take to the skies together. Rhaenyra tried to propose a marriage between you and Jace, mother obviously fought father on it. Thank the Gods he said no, perhaps the only good thing he has done for us.

Anyways tell the boys I say hi, I know that they are probably with you as you read this. I hope that they are taking care of you.

With love your brother, 

Aemond Targaryen

"A pig? How cruel has Rhaenyra raised her children, Perhaps if Ser Laenor tries harder he will get a child that resembles him." I say angerly, It broke my heart knowing he felt less of a Targaryen because he did not have a dragon but it angered me that Aegon and our nephew tormented him putting down Aemonds letter I pick up Aegons.

Dear my sweet sister,

Rhaenyras given birth again, a boy Joffery they named him. It seems once again the Targaryen looks did not pass on. Anyways Harwin and Cole got into a fight in the training yard, It was awesome. Harwin beat Cole to a pulp, then he got sent away then he died. Laena also died, we are going to her funeral, I do not understand why it is not like we ever met her but according to mother the royal family must attend because she is our kin or something like that.

Aemond told me that Rhaenyra tried to get you to marry Jace. You guys would have ugly babies so it is a good thing father said no.

Anyways, I must go I miss you very much and hope to see you soon and I hope you are being taken care of in the North.

Your favorite brother

"Princess Rhaenyra does know that you were sent to the north in hopes that we will marry, right?" Cregan asked laughing

"Perhaps Rhaenyra thinks that me marrying Jace will fix whatever tension she has with my mother, whatever the reason I am just glad my father said no." I shrugged putting the letters away in a trunk at the foot of my bed, throughout the years I started saving every letter that my family sent. It helped to have a little piece of them.

The rest of the nigh was spent with relaxed conversation until we all eventually fell asleep.

A/N: Dont forget to comment I love hearing your thoughts and feedback ;)

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