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Hi, readers. This fan fiction is based on 'Enola Holmes'. It is set after Enola's 2nd case, this story is completely my own.

{Sherlock's POV}

'No, no way , I'm not going.'

We had been going back and forth for about an hour now. She was meant to be a detective and yet she couldn't understand the simple case that I didn't want to go.

'I'm not going.'

'Sherlock stop being infuriating!'

'Enola, enough, I'm not going!'

She scowled. She pulling a quite unladylike face. But then what about my sister was ladylike. She had only been in London about 3 years and had still managed to nearly get killed on multiple occasions.

'Sherlock, I think you should go to the ball.'

I turned my head. This opinion was voiced by Watson. He had been my roommate and sidekick for the last 6 months, after Enola had told him I was in want of a roommate. I was not , but all the same, Watson was good company, not that I'd tell him of course.
Today he sported a bright orange tie, it would have looked horrendous on him, if not for his dark skin.

' Enola got me to be your roommate to stop you from descending into madness, something that you are falling back into...'

He motioned at the flat. I skimmed my eyes around the room.
'It's not that bad...'
It was bad. My floor was carpeted with files, reports and books. The very chairs we were sitting on were spaced oddly around the room, as not to touch any paper. I hate it when people touch my paper , they always seem to mess it up.

'Sherlock, John's right and he's a Docter, so he should know,' with this Enola stood up, her baby blue dress ruffling the paper , tossing them across the room.

'Your messing up the files!' I warned.

'Exactly,' she said making her way towards my seat , at least this time she took care not to step on the paper. 'Your so obsessed with this case it's driving you insane! And it's not fair on John.'

She was right, it wasn't fair on Watson. But it's not my fault, once I start a case I have to solve it or...

'Me and Tewksbury will pick you up at nine.' She said glaringly, making her way to the door.

'Tewksbury and I.' I muttered, stand up from my chair. ' Wait, Enola,' I said making one desperate attempt to change her mind. ' I don't have anything to wear...'

'Don't have anything to wear!' She cried wheeling around from the open door,
' Sherlock I have seen you change suits to make a cup of tea!'

That was an overstatement. I only change clothes when she's over for tea.

'And if your so stuck, borrow one of Watson's ties.' She continued.

'What's wrong with my ties ?' Asked Watson incredulously.

Ignoring him she pointed a finger at me, ' Nine o'clock Sherlock , whether your dressed or not.' And with that she slammed the flat door behind her, my papers fluttering everywhere.

'What's wrong with my ties ?' Watson repeated.

Ignoring him, I made my way over one of the windows. I stared blankly at the bustling Victorian street below.
I'm going to a ball, kill me now.


Note from writer

This is my first time writing so please don't judge.

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