That Lady

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{Sherlock's POV}

I emerged from the men's room, with my wine stain in a worse state than when I had entered the bathroom. I sighed. Well, it made for a good story. I chuckled to myself remembering how I had stated the same thing to that lady. That lady. She was so unlike any other woman I had met, bar Enola of course.

My thoughts were interrupted by a waving girl in a cream dress catching my eye. Speak of the devil. It was Enola. Immediately ,I started to weave my way towards her. If she had the audacity to bring me here, she could at least protect me from unwanted conversations.

'Stab wound already Sherlock?'

Nah, more of a bullet wound, I think.'

I gazed down in mock seriousness at my sister, a grin breaking on her face.

'No, actually Sherlock, are you spilling wine already!'

I was about to reply when a voice spoke up.

'Well, it was more of my fault really...'

I turned my gaze towards the companion sitting beside Enola. It was the lady.

'Are you offing my brother already,Eski?'

The girl sitting with Enola, or Eski , chuckled.

'Makes for a good story.'

She smiled at me as she repeated my earlier line, and , for the first time that night I smiled back.

'Oh, Eski, tell Sherlock about the game you invented!'

'Oh, no,' Eski refused, 'I wouldn't want to trouble Mr Holmes...'

'No,' I began , 'I'm intrigued,tell me .'

I took a chair, and sat down beside Enola. Anything to escape unwanted conversations.

'Oh, Sherlock it's amazing!' Enola cried, gripping my arm.

'I would say amazing, more, more just ordinary...' Eski studdered, embarrassment written all over her face.

And she was modest too, what a strange lady.

'Oh please, Eski , stop being modest!' Enola cried, shooting a look at the chestnut haired girl.

'Please, tell me your game,' I said softly. It was strange, I felt as if this girl was precious, something I had to protect. A bit like the way I feel towards Enola but, well, different.

'Well,' she began, pinching the corner of her lip, ' Basically, the aim is to figure out as much about a person, from how they look or stand. Let's take...that women in the red dress over there.'

Eski motioned to a tall, blonde, middle aged women standing beside one of the tables.

'I'll go first,' declared Enola eagerly. 'That women is standing beside her husband...'

She nodded towards the dark haired man standing beside the woman. He was slightly older looking than his wife, but the way she was standing beside him was most peculiar.

'She is unhappy with him, it is not love...' I voiced.

'Oh, Sherlock, look at her makeup, her lips are slightly smudged, but her husband's lips have no traces of lipstick.' Declared my very eager sister.

'She's cheating on him...' I said looking at Enola. Concentration was clear on her features, she was looking for something in the crowd.

'There that man beside Lord Elront, look at his lips. Red lipstick smudges! The exact shade of the red dress lady.'

I pulled my gaze over to where Enola was pointing. She was right. The culprit was a young man, presumably around the age of 20-24. His hair was a fluorescent shade of orange.

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