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Summer had been just around the corner when things began to take a turn for the worst

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Summer had been just around the corner when things began to take a turn for the worst. Or at least, that's one of the few things that I could remember from that time-period considering more than half of that time was spent on me being in a drug-induced haze. Recalling some of it was still difficult to say the least, since even months after the incident it still felt like a part of my brain was blocking out the memories, like some sort of safety blanket.

Logan Summit had been hospitalized due to his second overdose in the span of two weeks and though it might have been one of the scariest experiences I had lived through, it didn't steer me away from sneaking in a small cocaine-filled sachet into his hospital room. The two lines we shared served to strengthen the addiction bond we had created the moment Logan got hooked on drugs after I had already started consuming.

It felt safer than dealing with the trauma.

"Don't fucking do that again," I said through a sniffle as I dusted the excess powder off my nose.

Logan snorted. "Do drugs?"

I rolled my eyes. "Almost die, idiot."

Logan only smiled. "I love you."

I smiled back. "I know."

I cared about him. Deeply. The thing was, after some time, our friendship turned selfish in a sense and now it mostly served the purpose of keeping us both on a high. So, when his mother announced Logan had been admitted into a rehab program the days following his hospital stay, I was at a loss of what to do the whole summer without my junkie-buddy.

But as mid-July came, I had turned myself into a full-blown heroin addict with Logan's absence. When I first started out, I had promised myself no needles. But as time progressed, weed and methamphetamines just weren't cutting it anymore. Even pills were soft in comparison to the opioids, and though I knew that was a bad sign deep down, I couldn't bring myself to care enough to do something about it.

I had never felt that good in my damn life.

But as I was having the time of my life, my family was having everything but. To anyone around us it was more than obvious they weren't having the party I was. Keeping up with me, my late-night endeavors and destructive tendencies wasn't doing anything but putting a toll on my already struggling family.

And somehow, they just weren't giving up on me.

If I had been sober, I probably would've asked myself why the hell they were putting so much effort into a damn junkie.

"You need to stop this," Tony had said one night.

Maybe he wasn't the best older brother someone could have asked for, but he was as loyal as he was fucking stubborn. Too much for his own fucking good. It was a recipe for getting on my damn nerves more times than not. But the thing was, Tony always needed to take on the father figure role, even if it didn't correspond to him.

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