Preliminary work for a better life

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During Brandon's student days, there was a revelation in Gorival County: four robbers clad in homemade iron armor, each weighing thirty kilograms, raided a bank. Even rifle bullets bounced off them, and the sheriff's team confronted them for twenty-two hours without success. Ultimately, they had to resort to setting the bank on fire, burning the four robbers alive.

The weight of those armors was comparable to that of Taunton knights, leading Brandon to consistently underestimate them. Now, upon reflection, those robbers did wear heavy armor, but they also struggled to escape the bank due to its weight. Taunton knights, on the other hand, were far more agile.

When one frequently encounters a certain phenomenon, they tend to categorize it as part of their "ordinary" experience. Brandon chased shadows of the extraordinary world, yet never realized that world was right beside him.

Extraordinary isn't solely about outward appearance.

Upon further consideration, many people he had encountered seemed highly suspicious.

Take marksmen, for instance—they could aim at targets three hundred meters away with the naked eye, a feat beyond his reach.

Rumors had it that Taunton's navy had sailors capable of diving one hundred and twenty yards underwater.

The Northern Milenti Republic's grenadiers were all at least seven and a half feet tall. In the colonial lands of Loren, there were individuals who could wrap their heads with cloth and survive underground without food or drink for three days...

There were undoubtedly extraordinary individuals in the military.

Yet Brandon couldn't ascertain whether the phenomena he had witnessed belonged to the extraordinary or were simply racial traits.

After all, the limits of mortals aren't fixed values.

Dwarves on the Eastern Plateau had greater strength than people of normal height, while tribesmen in the Silverwood Forest possessed the best stamina among all races. Different races naturally had different advantages.

However, this made it impossible to distinguish between those who had received divine blessings and those who were monsters like himself.

Rubbing his thick beard, Brandon muttered to himself, "If there were such an international competition where similarly trained individuals of the same physique from around the world could compare their physical abilities, perhaps I could determine the limits of ordinary people."

But this was clearly wishful thinking.

This world saw conflicts erupt every few years, and the kind of international competition he desired could only be held in times of peace.

Abandoning his fantasy, Brandon continued to read Crystal's letter.

"Considering your ignorance is the norm, I've also sent you a reference book. Most of what you want to know should be in there. If you still have questions, I suggest consulting a local priest..."

This attitude was terrible, and the last thing I want to see now is a priest... Brandon sighed.

He glanced at the thick book's cover, its aged and dust-laden black hardboard bearing a gilded title: 《Two Thousand Common Knowledge for Enthusiasts of the Occult》

It seemed amateurish, and Brandon already suspected that Crystal had sent him the book to clear up space, making a quick favor in passing.

Crystal's advice ended here. But Brandon noticed something strange below—a peculiar indentation.

He turned the letter over. On the back, there was a small paragraph, the handwriting slightly distorted, with a different ink color from the previous text, and unusually small writing.

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